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  • 6 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello All 

Hope you are all well Nipped into the supermarket after work today and bumped into a Nurse  who I had a lot of dealings with in the early months she was there when my Tumour was discovered she was on duty the day of my first TURBT and also when I went back for my TWOC anyway she was really pleased to see me oooh how you doing Ste asked where I was upto so brought her upto speed on where I’m at and she said you look really really well two other nurses live right near me also and see one every morning she normally walks past as I’m getting in the car to go to work and always speaks it the little comments that mean so much and they really do keep your spirits up especially when your in between visits as I am at the minute 


  • I totally agree, a friendly nurse bothering to recognise your progress is a great boost. I was so lucky with my CNS. I've seen her often over past 5 years when I went for treatment, in fact she does the flexis for me sometimes and much more gently than the docs. I'm retired so between hospital trips feels like the holidays to me. Well done for being back at work, hope you don't get overtired. Hx

  • Thats good that you’ve been able to build up a good relationship with your CNS it makes any appointments that little bit easier for you I should imagine  only ever spoke to my CNS on the phone upto now but she’s friendly enough my wife has said your like a celebrity on that urology unit they all come and say hiya to you when your there but I’ve been good as gold everytime I’ve been in and grateful for what they’ve done when I’ve been in manners cost nothing 


  • Couldn't agree more ref manners. Unfortunately some members of the public treat the NHS workers with no respect. Last week when I was in having my new hip done, I realised that student nurses have to pay for their degree course but work in the wards on placement unpaid. I promised to write to Wes Streeting about it but since I got home I've faded a bit. Ah well there's always next week. x

  • I had a Student nurse do my vitals the day of my first TURBT and she was telling me the exact same that there is no payment with the placement there should be some incentive for them at the very least she was a lovely Girl and made a point to come onto the recovery ward to see how I was and to say goodbye as she was finishing for the day 

  • Crazy that they have to pay to learn nursing.

  • I still remember the kindness of an Irish nurse around 60 years ago, who bothered to send me a postcard from home when she went back on her holiday. 
