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A bit of light relief while we are on this cancer journey, evoking memories, joys , passion and funny stories.  Its all here from prog rock, to punk rock and everything in between. Hope you book mark it and join in. Music can be a huge comfort in times of distress . It can also make you dance around the kitchen when no one is watching !  Add your stories. Recently chatted about Mr Halofan attending a YES concert, and it was really uplifting.

  • Very fine album says mr halofan, we placed bets  on if someone would mention KC ! You won top prize Garviv, mr Halofan a big fan. He saw them at the albert hall in the 90’s

    Much love Angela x

  • You have lead an interesting life. I dont know anyone that lived in a new age monastery Leo, a tenuous link is good enough for me. I believe Fripp was into that kind of thing

    Much love Angela x

  • I love dancing round the kitchen with my wooden spoon as a microphone. Always wanted to be Debbie Harry when i was a girl. Not for the voice I hasten to add, just because she fronted the band. 

    Much love Angela x

  • That sounds amazing, I've seen the videos of screaming girls at Beatles gigs so must be amazing to have been at those concert's.

  • Being a roadie for the strangers must have been amazing.. I saw them a few years back at Cliff's Pavilion near Southend, great gig.

    Also saw the Animals, funny how these bands have such a longevity.

  • Hi All finally found my way here,I see people are talking about their first concert we saw mine was a doozy, 1974 Glasgow Apollo, Queen, was the first of the 3 times I saw them live, was the first of my many visits to that hallowed ground

  • I saw the Beatles before they were famous. Not performing though. I was in the queue for the under sixteens Saturday morning club at the Cavern Club. Very early sixties. The boys were sitting on warehouse steps opposite the Cavern. They looked very intimidating for a fourteen year old as they were casually dressed in leathers and looking cool. Someone in the queue said who they were. If only I had a camera. Would have made a great album cover. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Glad you found us and Queen !! What a class act. Freddie was a brilliant artist , my young son knows all their stuff. Mr halofan just owned up to seeing the Angelic upstarts at the caird hall in dundee as his first gig. He didnt really like them but was only 14

    Much love Angela x

  • Fantastic story Rily, really would have been a great picture

    Much love Angela x

  • Riley what a FAB moment. My mum was a teacher at a private school near Golders Green. She came home from a PTA evening. Who did you see? I asked. Peter Sellars, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. She added to her cool by having the same appointment time at her stylist as Liz Taylor. It was a hairdresser called Sweeny Todd’s in Hampstead. She told me Liz was lovely.