Cystoscopy six month check up

  • 12 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi all 

I am having my first six month check up tomorrow and feel numb and so anxious. like I'm in a bubble .

I have always had three months checks before this and only the last one was clear I had G2pTa removal on 29th Sept 2020 with 3 recurrences .

I'm so anxious today and just needed to get it out , I know I'm in a better place than many of you here so feel a bit selfish posting this .

The worst thing is today of all days I want a cigarette!!!! Crazy I know . Just keep thinking there is no escape from this , is there anyone here who has survived 5 years without recurrence?? It would be great to hear from you ?

  • Hi Redboxer,You are not selfish at all.It’s natural to feel anxious  before these check ups.I hope it all goes well for you tomorrow.Let us know how you get on.Love Jane x

  • Hi Redboxer, my initial tumour in 2017 was G2T1. So now I have survived 5 and a half  years with 4 reoccurences, but in my mind the emphasis is on "survived"! Hooray! My treatment was BCG and 5 TURBTs. I have now had two and a half years all clear which is marvellous but I certainly don't count my chickens. I am always anxious when I go for cystoscopies, now every 6 months like you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow. Sending love Hx

  • Thank you so much for your support Heart

  • Hello Redboxer,

    Bladder Cancer is an Anxiety Paradigm. I was diagnosed five years ago. I had a tumour removed followed by chemotherapy and Chemoradiation. I have had three recurrences  (superficial tumours) and a six week course of Mitomycin. I am now seventy three years old, relatively fit. I play golf  five times a week and walk our old chocolate Labrador as well as taxi driver, child minding, general dogsbody for four beautiful grandchildren. I still get anxious  before flexible cystoscopy appointments. It is what it is. Enjoy your life whatever the outcome. Good luck tomorrow. Garviv 


  • Thank you so much and so happy to hear your well Blush 

  • Dear Redboxer, my OH now 78 and very active despite other health probs as well as bc, is around 5 years clear after an entire bladder-full of G3Pta taken out at 1st TURBT and a single new papilloma at 2nd.

    Hope that helps. Denby

  • Thank you, it helps so much x and amazing how well your OH is doing Pray

  • Hi all, well.after all that anxiety I went to my appointment and it was cancelled due to the doctor's  strike!! Ahh well never mind rescheduled to 26th May, hopefully the strikes will be over by then GrinningGrinning

  • Oh no.I’m sorry you will have to wait longer.Fingers crossed the next appointment goes ahead.Love Jane x