Bladder cancer

  • 26 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Is anyone just being newly diagnosed with bladder cancer. I have yet to have the tumours found removed and I am terrified and so in shock and wonder if anybody is going through the same thing. 

  • Hi and welcome to the group, although sorry you find yourself here. I am several years down the line from you, but still remember the horrible feeling and fears when first diagnosed. Be aware that bladder cancer can be treated successfully and many of us here have been through it. The procedure to remove your tumours is called a TURBT (trans urethral resection of bladder tumour). It sounds a lot worse than it is. Usually done in day surgery, but maybe an overnight stay. They will take some biopsies and the results will determine the next step. You will get lots of support here going forward. Please feel free to ask any questions or just come for a chat. Best wishes

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Bumblebee49,Welcome to this friendly group.It is scary when you are first diagnosed and it all feels overwhelming.There is plenty of advice and support on here and people to help you through.Best wishes Jane 

  • Hi  sorry to find you here, but I am relatively new to this too. I was diagnosed in April this year and had TURBT op just 6 weeks ago. It all went ok. And have just had results, so I will be back in for a second TURBT in 4 to 6 weeks and then chemo into bladder after that.  It was very scary to start with, so I know where you are with that. But ask questions here as there is lots of help available.

    Try to take one day at a time, ask questions and you will get through it.


  • Why do you have to have a second Turbt? Did you have a CT scan before your operation? It's the waiting that's so difficult. Completely lost my appetite so weight is dropping off a bit. Any tips on how to keep your mind off it? Have you had to not go into work? 

  • Hi  it is quite common to have a second TURBT. With me the CT scan that I had before first. Has shown some thickening of the bladder wall, and although the results from the TURBT samples shown that the cancer is likely not going to spread. They want to take more samples to be sure. And then give me chemo into bladder later.  

    Yes waiting is difficult, but you are now in good hands and they will do their best for you. So try to focus on a normal daily routine. 

    I work from home so it has been easy for me to continue working. Have you told your work?

    Try to stay positive


  • Yes I work for NHS as team administrator for past 18 years so they know all about it and I had bladder camera last week, then CT scan this week. I have the Turbt on 11th July. I have not gone into work this week and going away for few days before the pre op. Its hard to focus on anything else as you process all of this happening. I think you have to have a couple weeks off after the Turbt?to rest. Then it's waiting for what they find another agonising wait. 

  • Hi Bumblebee49,Most people find the waiting for tests/results is the worst part.Once the biopsy results are back and a treatment plan is in place people tend to feel better mentally.If you can keep busy it will help to focus on something other than cancer.It’s easier to take things step by step than think ahead too much.Do you have supportive family and friends ? Best wishes Jane

  • Yes I do and it's only been just over a week but feels like an age. Yes I hope once the Turbt is done and I get some results think might be a bit easier. It's all so unreal at present. 

  • I’m glad you have support.It really helps.My sister and partner supported me as by that time my mothers dementia was fairly advanced.It does seem unreal at first,it’s such a wide range of emotions that you experience.It was probably easier for me as I was certain I had cancer before diagnosis.It was still a shock though.It can be harder for the family in some ways as they worry and don’t want to show it.Don’t worry if you don’t feel positive all the time.Trying to stay upbeat when you feel anything but only adds pressure.My sister Sarah and I cried together but had lots of laughs too.You will get plenty of encouragement from the kind people in this group.They got me through and have helped since my mother died in January.I hope you can enjoy your few days away.Best wishes Jane