Neo Bladder after bonemarrow transplant

  • 3 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi, my husband has been diagnosed with bladder cancer and has been offered neobladder surgery. The offerer was made by the surgeon before he understood that part of the transplant treatment, in 1997 anyway, was total body irradiation. Apparently radiotherapy can damage the guts.

Has anyone had TBI and had or failed to have a neobladder?

He starts 9 weeks of chemo on Thursday 17th.

Many thanks,


  • Hi . I've not had neobladder so unable to answer your question, but let me welcome you to the group. I am sure someone will be along to help with your concerns. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Sorry I don't have that experience either, but I do know that radiotherapy in the past can cause internal scarring or adhesions that makes bladder removal tricky. Neo isn't always possible anyway, for various reasons.  I was able to have one, but had to have a cysto to check in advance. They always mark up for a stoma in case they find a neo isn't possible when they open up. If he really doesn't want a stoma and bag, he could ask if a Mitrofanoff would be a possibility. That is an internal pouch made from intestine, like neo, but catheterised through a small opening on the abdomen (sometimes in the navel).