Urology Nurse

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  • 53 subscribers

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  • Hi Blanket picked up your test, but took three goes to log in to send this reply. x

  • OK that's working now so off I go  Upside down

    Recently I was discussing the problems I was having after my procedure with a nurse.  I usually avoid this particular nurse as in the early days when I rang for advice she told me to go to A&E if there were any problems.  I took it as some people have it, & some don't, & she definitely didn't & I wouldn't be turning to her again in my hour of need.  Although I got over it as I soon met my lovely nurse, so didn't need to deal with nurse unhelpful again.  Anyway due to my lovely nurses retirement I ended up speaking to nurse unhelpful again last week.  I thought all was going well until she said that my treatment was expensive, & that I was costing the NHS a fortune Thinking  I know this, would she prefer it if I died?  But due to the surprise of someone like that (a specialist nurse)  saying something like that to me I just sort of chuckled & moved on.  Now I'm wondering was it meant as a bad joke?  I do say to the nurses when they complain about me being back again that I'm keeping them in a job, is this the same or am I being too sensitive?

  • Thanks Herothedog Grin My last post just wouldn't send, & it said that I wasn't allowed to send either Unamused

    How're you doing anyway?

  • That nurse’s comment is totally outrageous. The whole point of the NHS is that it is free at the point of need. We as patients should not have to worry about expense, if it’s treatment recommended by the NHS guidelines then it’s ours by right. Nye Bevan would be turning in his grave to hear the nurse speak to you like that. Thank goodness most NHS professionals have a more humane attitude, because when we have cancer we do feel sensitive! I hope you can see someone else next time Blanket. I’m good thank you. Starting BCG doses 16 to 18 in two weeks, and grateful for it too! xxx

  • Thanks so much for your support Herothedog x  I've been very lucky with some of the NHS staff, & I've been seen by the very best of the best as far as I'm concerned.  Although I've had my share of er the other side of things too shall we say.  Hopefully I can avoid her in future, as I've managed it over the years.

    Hope all goes well for you with BCG in 2 weeks!!! xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BLANKET

    Good day Blanket After reading your post about the the unhelpful nurse ..Think I would feel the same as you not sure how to take it .But   the costing the NHS a fortune was a bad remark coming from the nurse,I think the nurse might need a few lessons how to deal with patient over the phone... cheers harry

  • Thanks Harry x

    How are you?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BLANKET

    Hi feeling good thanks had a busy week I have 2 cancer groups I go to one a drop in tea and cake chat with others have a lot of friends in the group now ..Also had 2 days at my other group met a lot of great people there also had a few other things on this week ..cheers harry.PS not forgetting my local Macmillan drop in centre great support from them also Slight smile

  • Hello Blanket

    I've had trouble logging in these last couple of days too.

    Well, what to say? Herothedog said, 'Outrageous!' and I agree, bloody cheek!

    I recommend that you contact your hospital's Patient Advice & Liaison Service and tell PALS what was said to you. We have contributed much to the NHS over many years and have every right to be treated by any appropriate means available. I am incensed at what was said to you.

    You might, if you feel strongly enough, contact your local news media as well.

    Fuming CB.

    I may appear to be listening but in my head I'm all at sea. 

  • Bless you Blanket, I’d do as CB says about nurse unhelpful, she should never have said that to you, we all know bladder cancer is one of the most expensive to treat, it’s not as though we asked for it, just ended up with the dam thing. 

    Hope you’re doing ok Blanket apart from your so called nurse. Hugs and things x

    Sue Xx