One Year Since Diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 70 subscribers

Good Evening all 

Hope you are all as well as you can be this week passed marked one year since I was diagnosed and a year that has passed extremely quickly In contrast I look back to that week and and I must say I feel alot better  and look a lot better than I did a year ago and a bit more at ease with my situation got my next follow up Cystocopy due next month so just starting to get that in my mind not booked me in yet but if not heard anything by next week think I will give my CNS a nudge be nice to touch base with her anyway not spoke to her since June last year not needed to really 


  • Time flies when you are having fun! Just over three years for me and twenty BCG, no recurrence and my next six monthly cystoscopy in March. I think maybe you get used to all this up and down worrying about the next cystoscopy then the relief. Tonight I am drinking some Guinness, six months ago I couldn't due to BCG effects. It is sliding down! Good luck with your next Cystoscopy.



  • Thank you Roy yea the worry and the anxiety was tough the first couple of months but with some guidance and level headed words from seasoned veterans on the forum I was able to just say to myself get on with it and not looked back only to reflect on it enjoy your Guinness 


  • Hi Ste, 

    Good to know you're doing well. Time certainly does fly, two year's for me and thinking back it seems like a lifetime ago.

    Best of luck with your next cystcopy.


  • Hope you enjoyed your Guinness Roy, it's good to hear the effects of your BCG are better.

    Take care.
