Dear All,
Thanks in advance for your help.
I’ve had my 1st Turbt operation (bladder cancer) more than 18 days ago, and have been advised to drink plenty of water (I try between 2 - 2.5 litres per day), however, ever since I have been discharged from the hospital (2 days after the operation), my trips to the toilet has been like 6-7 times within the hour. It’s day 19 for me today, and nothing has changed. I was informed that this will be the case for the first few weeks but I am not sure if anything will change before my second Turbt which is in 10 days time. The pee also is painful. If I stop drinking water after reaching the target of 2 -2.5 litres, I will still wake up from my sleep, and pee blood which is extremely painful. Is this normal? I have asked both the Nurse and the Consultant and they both said it’s meant to be like this but does anyone know how long this will last. I have been having sleepless nights and days (might dose for like 10 minutes before getting the urge to pee).
PS: I do not drink tea or coffee. I have for the last 2 days started green tea but not sure if this will help. Please advice.
Hi James,
Sorry to hear that you're having issues after the TURBT.
Thinking back to my first TURBT, I did have blood in the wee for a little while. Then just as you think all is ok out pops a scab or something that can be quite scary, but all part of the process as the wounds heal inside the bladder.
However I don't recall having to wee as regular as you. I definitely had urgency and pain whilst peeing for a couple of weeks after, but not 6-7 times an hour. That must be exhausting for you.
Could you ask your nurse if you could be tested for an infection or perhaps your GP just to rule that out? Did you get antibiotics when you were discharged? I was given some.
Keep drinking the fluids, I was advised on here to drink Robinsons lemon Barley water, it helps with the volume of water we need to drink and also helps flush out the bad bacteria I believe. I drink a couple of pints a Day, with plain water in-between.
The 2nd TURBT shouldn't be as invasive.
I really hope that things improve for you soonest.
Hi James
Sorry to hear you are still having trouble
I only required the one TURBT back in November but I know two seems to be the course so I was fortunate enough.
I suppose it might depend on how much they took away and how long the healing process is. We are all different in our healing some take longer then others don't forget to ask plenty of questions and voice your concerns at the next turbt
Caffeine it has been reported irritates the bladder but it was the first offered to me after my turbt with a cup of coffee which I declined so the juries out on that one.
I drank green tea by the gallon but stopped after my surgery
Best of luck
JamesS123 I am sorry you are having the dreaded extended urination frequency problems. I had exactly the same thing I am afraid, and it lasted many months as I had 3 TURBTS. Eventually they found the cause, a hole in my bladder created in the 1st TURBT. They normally wait 6 weeks before performing a second TURBT.
Hello James, while it is a fairly common after effect of a TURBT to have excessive frequency and rosé outflow, managing the extreme inconvenience of the former and anxiety caused by the latter is no fun, especially if this continues for weeks. As others have suggested, it is important to keep your GP/case nurse or Urology contact fully informed so that you do not suffer too much. There may be ways they can help you e.g. antibiotics if an infection is detected, perhaps advice on painkillers or further recommendations on soothing fluids. With me, bleeding was initially only slight after the first TURBT but gradually increased until the 2nd TURBT several months later. The urge to pee was not a problem because I had to have a Foley urethral catheter fitted after the first TURBT and still have one now, over 6 years later (changed every 12 weeks or when blocked). Depending on advice from your specialists and your views on having a catheter, this may be an option for you so that you can get some undisturbed sleep. I am used to having one but it is not a wonderful option unless just for a few months. Mine was required as a means of preventing my scarred bladder from flexing and bleeding.
It doesn't sound entirely normal to me based on my experience.
I only had one TURBT to remove one tumour, but the pain when urinating after it was awful it was so painful but I also had a stent in to drain my kidney into my bladder which can also cause pain.
The pain lasted bad for the first 5 or 6 days after that the pain subsided.
However if I didn't drink enough then I did indeed have very red blood urine. I drank for the first few days until I couldnt drink anymore and going to the loo every 30 mins to an hour just to make sure everything was getting flushed out and less chance of an infection.
The first few days as well needing to wee would come on so sudden. Sat down thinking I'm gonna have to go to the loo soon, I'd stand up to go do something and nearly wet myself and nearly didn't make it to the toilet a couple of times. It was bizarre how bad the urgency would come on for the first few days. After a few days though no urgency or toilet troubles, until I started to drink less with going on a long journey down to Cornwall and then drinking less I started to experience slight stinging and burning and red wee again but that is down tp being paranoid about needing to go when your out and about while recovering.
I then went back to work 2 weeks too early before having g the stent out and between the holiday and work the stent was causing me pain again, not as bad as before but bad enough. Once I had my stent out I was fully back to normal.
I wonder if you have an infection might be worth getting a sample checked to make sure if it is still painful after that long.
For me blood in my urine persisted for a good 6 to 7 weeks occasionally like I said I didn't drink enough or did even anything remotely physical like nipping out in the car to the shops. I was told every time I questioned this occasional blood was normal for up to 8 weeks. If it's more frequent than occasional then I would be asking more questions and getting things checked out myself.
Hope you get it under control and are feeling better soon.
My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all
Much love and hope to everyone past future and present.
I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.
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