Feedback meeting

  • 17 replies
  • 68 subscribers

hi everyone. So the feedback meeting was today. The doctor confirmed it is grade 3 bladder cancer. I have to have another TURBT in January to see if it’s in the muscle wall. CT scans so far are fineHeart Doctor was really lovely. If it’s in the muscle wall then it will be bladder removal. Doctor seemed pleased that I have no symptoms currently. I really amnt sure what I feel. But what I am sure aboHeartt is the lovely messages from people on this forum made me feel I had an army behind me. So thank you Heart

  • Hi Joyce F whilst I'm not delighted for this news for you, at least you know what's in front of you. I'm so glad the Community was able to be of help, that's what it's there for. Keep us updated on your progress. X


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  • Thanks Gail. I appreciate your comments! It’s still a bit unknown x

  • Hi Joyce,I’m glad the doctor was nice.It’s good that the scan was ok.It’s no fun having to wait for another TURBT but that’s in the New Year and hopefully you can enjoy Christmas etc first.I’m sure you will feel more settled once the next turbt is done and the results are in.Love Jane xx

    1. Thank you. I feel so weird tonight. But the community really helps as you all understand what this path feels like. It helps that I know the date for the next procedure. Will really try and shake myHeartmood and enjoy this first Christmas with a lovely baby grandaighter! Heart
  • It’s understandable to feel like that.You still have some waiting and another TURBT to get through.Once all the results are back you can focus on treatment and getting better.That is generally much easier to cope with on an emotional level and you have us here for support.Love Jane xx

  • Hi  . Now you have a good idea of what you are dealing with. Let it sink in. Nothing you can do now till your follow up TURBT which is usually a lot easier than the first. Try and relax and look forward to Christmas. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • I will take your advice. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Heart

  • Hi Joyce F. My husband's diagnosis was T2 G3 plus CIS and it was in the muscle wall. He was told it would be bladder removal but he chose to go the chemo/radiation route. He was diagnosed Jan 2018, still has his bladder and has had clear cystoscopies. They have moved him to 6 monthly checks. We see from everyone on here that each diagnosis can vary and what works for one person may not for another, but I just wanted to flag up that there can be different options to explore when you get to that point. Hope this is helpful Mo xx

  • Very helpful thank you. I had thought bladder removal was the only option. I appreciate you taking the time to post a different way.  Heart️xx