BCG treatment

  • 17 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi all!

I had a second TURBT procedure for high grade bladder cancer about three weeks ago. Found out yesterday that it has not gone into the walls of bladder phew! So they are happy that it has removed it all. My next follow up step is BCG. 

What is anyone else's experience of having Immuotherapy? Is it worth it?

Any tips??!

Many thanks xx

  • Hi Julia194,

    I also had a G3 T1 tumour removed this year and have just finished my induction course.of bcg immunotherapy. I know everyone is different but side effects for me.havent been too bad.

    Can't say if I think it's worth it yet until I have my cystoscopy on 3rd September and see what effect its had.

    Good luck with any future treatment you have and hope all.goes well,

    Anne xx

  • Hi Angela!

    Thanks sooo much for that! I will have a look!

    And yes... new here..and have already seen the amazing support people offer - and great knowledge!!

    Thanks again! Lv J x

  • Thanks for sharing Anne!!

    -And I hope everything is really good on the 3rd of September for you! Xx

  • Hi Julia,Welcome to our friendly group.Have they given you a date to start the BCG yet ? I wish you well with your treatment.I can’t help as only had surgery but good luck.Love and best wishes Jane xx

  • Hi Jane! 

    Ah thanks for that. I think a couple of weeks time I should be contacted but of course it could take a little longer Wink I hope all's good with you on your journey with this - and your surgery. Lv J xx

  • Hi Julia,I hope you hear soon.I’m cancer free nearly 5 yrs on from life saving surgery.You will get lots of support as there are several people on here having BCG at the moment.Love Jane xx

  • Ah that's so positive! So pleased for you. And thanks! Lv J x