Side Effects after completing initial 6 week BCG course

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  • 57 subscribers

Hi folks, I finished my last of 6 BCG 9 days ago. Unfortunately I am getting quite a bit of pain in the bladder, and am peeing very frequently including at night, which is really disturbing my sleep. Is this usual after a series of 6 BCG? And how long does it take to settle down, cheers, Leo

  • Sorry to read you are having such a rough time Leo I hope you feel better soon, like Halofan I drink loads of lemon barley water as advised by my CN. Sending hugs Lynn x

  • Granny M,  thank you so much. I had stupidly supposed that once a week had passed since number 6; then POW I would start to feel better. But not yet. Leo

  • Hi Leo,

    Sorry to hear you've had so many issues with the BCG treatment.

    I'm normally up and running again after 24 hours, but after my 12th I did have some discomfort as the bladder was inflamed for a while. Nowhere as bad as what you are going through.

    I really hope thing's start to improve for you soon.

    I know you probably have been told this before, but drinking lot's of water really helps me.

    Also I think it was rily that mentioned on another post that the more diluted the wee the better it is for the bladder.

    I'm sure you know this but thought I'd mention it just to be sure.

    Take care.


  • Hi Leo,How are you feeling today ? I hope your bladder is calming down,I’m sorry you have had so much trouble.Love Jane xx

  • Hi Jane, thanks for asking, peeing all night again, almost no sleep to feeling whacked. I think it’s the BCG rampaging away, although it’s almost 2 weeks since 6th BCG. My bladder seems to have shrunk in capacity or is still very traumatised. Debris, slough and blood seems to have stopped, maybe a good sign? Atb, Leo

  • I do hope it settles soon.I know all too well how miserable peeing all day and night is.Take care love Jane xx

  • Although I did not have the same issues as you with bladder inflammation, I do recall that my Lymphocytes were sky high for ~ 6 weeks after the 5th instillation. I bought some urine dip sticks to monitor after the urology nurse commented on the high levels just prior to my 6th instillation. I considered that high lymphocytes = high immune response which in my book is good, but happy to be corrected. Also had blood detected throughout these dip stick tests, but not visible.

  • Jane, is that what happened to you? Peeing all day and night? How long did that go on for please? Cheers Leo

  • Hi Leo,Yes but it wasn’t caused by BCG.I had Interstitial cystitis from the age of 20 and was referred to urology aged 22.It causes urgency,frequency and severe pain.By 2005 they found pre cancerous changes in the bladder.I was under cancer surveillance from then until I developed cancer in 2019 aged 58,The bladder would have been removed anyway but it came out sooner because of the tumour.I don’t miss it at all.Life is much better not having the bladder pain,lack of sleep and constant loo trips.Love Jane xx

  • Wow what a journey , poor you but glad all sorted Grinning