Successful first cystoscopy on bcg after t1 g3

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I just wanted to post some good news.  After 2 turbts and a T1 G3 diagnosis in July I was offered a choice of bcg or cystectomy.  Finished the first set of bcg, 6 weeks of weekly treatment on December 14th, first cystoscopy under ga on 27th jan.  

They found a growth and we’ve spent the time since preparing to be told the treatment is done, time for a radical cystectomy.  Today I had the call that the growth was low grade and superficial, the original cancer hasn’t progressed and I can continue with the bcg, treatments every 4 weeks and another cystoscopy after that.

So relieved, pleased to be able to give my 19 and 16 year old kids some good news after 8 months of ‘bad news’, we can plan again and may get a summer holiday.

My journey continues but I’m really grateful for this hurdle to be done and will continue to be positive (as much as I can!) and, corny as it sounds, continue to be grateful for the little things that I used to not notice.

hoping that this gives others going through the same treatment some comfort, although I must admit, my default mode  is expect the worst and anything other is a bonus.

Family meal out as a celebration tonight, we’ll see what the next few weeks brings.