Pain 9 days after TURBT

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  • 66 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I had a TURBT with examination under anaesthetic and a meatal biopsy done 9 days ago. I was very lucky as in I barely had any pain (although on high painkillers already so they probably masked it well), I pee’d twice after the catheter was taken out (btw that was an experience and a half) and was allowed home. Had blood in pee for a few days then that went too. Today I’ve got a really bad pain in my bladder (no blood as yet), but it feels like I need to pass something big and it’s stuck/ I’m wondering if these are the scabs that are trying to pass, as I was warned at 10-15 days to look out for blood and scar tissue. I’m maybe naive, but I didn’t bank on being in so much pain for it when I’m still on all the high painkillers. Anyone else suffered the same at all? Wondering whether to persevere and they’ll pop out, or whether it’s not normal and could be an infection. Anything greatly appreciated. Drinking water by the gallons btw.