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After finding a cancerous tumour via cystoscopy on the 30th November and a CT scan 17th December I eventually contacted GP because I’d heard nothing regarding results, the waiting was really getting to me!! She was able to tell me that scan showed nothing else of concern but no more real detail. I then contacted the hospital to chase up when TURBT op was going to happen only to be told that all operations were cancelled due to COVID! Urology department also confirmed this is the case. Gutted!! I have now decided to have it done privately but it still means a wait of about 6 weeks.  Hopefully I can keep myself from stressing out too much! If anyone else is experiencing the knock on effects of the pandemic, I feel for you, it’s blooming horrible!! My heart goes out to all those who are suffering from COVID too, what a world we find ourselves in!

  • Hi , and a welcome to the group from me. Bladder cancer is far more common than people realise, and ladies in particular tend to be diagnosed late, so good to hear you have been proactive about it. The earlier it is caught, the better. The waiting and uncertainty is something we never get used to, but unfortunately, there is always a lot of waiting. Hope you get a date soon as having a firm date gives you something to focus on. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thanks i will keep you updated Heart eyes

  • Yes I will Thumbsupi hope things will turn out well for us ...I am preparing for a long haul with hospital appointments and tests but I am praying Pray that it has not spread..until the ct scan results come back i will not know xx as you say the covid situation doesn't help ..I try to keep busy and walk a lot ...thank you for listening Heart eyes

  • I have found scouring YouTube for videos of old jazz festivals [Eg Bude, Keswick] and other live music I have enjoyed is a very enjoyable distraction. Takes you back to happier times and lifts mood. Once you have watched a few it will automatically show similar material with you going back to the pc.

    best wishes, Denby

  • Thank you for your suggestions....I love asking alexa to play me 60s and 70s Notes brightens me up and gets me singing

  • Hello again. At last I have a date for my TURBT op - 23rd February.  It seems a long way away but it’s something to aim for  Upside down It will be done privately, but the NHS hospital has told me they will keep me on the list in case something comes up sooner. I’m not holding my breath but you never know. I hope you are hanging in there Hou. I am just praying that whatever they find in there isn’t too awful and can be sorted out Pray tone1 Stay strong

  • Good news you have a date I had my Rigid last week now I have been sent a appointment over the internet to discuss the results in 2 weeks time.  It really is stressfull all the delays for treatment it just dosn't seem fair to stop cancer treatments.  Hope all goes well for you 


  • So glad you've had your date xx good luck please keep me up to date ..I haven't heard anything yet I've tried phoning for ct results but either engaged or constantly ringing...I'm trying not to dwelPensiveon this but it's hard not to imagine the worse Pensive take care and hopefully things will soon be sorted  xx Heart 

  • The waiting really is awful isn’t it Pensive I think maybe I’ve been a bit slack in chasing things up (who knows?) A friend of mine is a retired cancer nurse and told me that you really have to keep badgering people to get anywhere sometimes. The COVID situation just makes things 10 times worse too doesn’t it!! Hang in there, I hope you get some info soon. 
    Keep me posted. xx

  • I had the same problem as you with calling the hospital  so I called my GP who gave me the results. I have a phone conference with my Consultant on Thursday and after that I will get the letter

    Do ring your GP


    I know that I don't know