
  • 1 reply
  • 21 subscribers

Hi everyone,

My Mum was diagnosed last June with Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma and has completed 6/10 cycles of gem/cis/durv. 

Originally, scans showed that it had spread to a lymph but a mid treatment CT scan showed no evidence of this.

Unfortunately however she is back in hospital at the moment due to a blocked stent. It looks like the tumour has indeed spread inwards and is now blocking the bile duct once again. Drs have said she will need another liver drain, (she already has one internalised) and I am wondering if anyone has any experience of this. I don’t know the implications for treatment if the drain is permanent, and am worried the doctors will withdraw chemo due to infection risk. Then what? 

Mum has also been in touch with a surgeon and has sent over her scans and notes to him, in the hope that a resection might eventually be a possibility. However, as I understand it, her liver needs to be ‘happy’ before this could even be looked at. For those who have had a resection, could you let me know your experiences please? Recovery time? Residual pain etc? 

I would be so grateful for any replies, it’s a scary time for us all as she was doing so well with the chemo and immuno and we had hope that she might be able to manage this beast. 

Thanks for reading Sparkles


  • Hello Emily ( 

    I am Brian one of the Community Champions here at Macmillan. I have just noticed your post has gone unanswered. I can't answer it myself as I have a different cancer, however by me replying it will be "bumped up" to the top of the page and I hope seen and replied to by other members of the bile duct group.

    I do hope mum gets sorted and returns home from hospital as soon as possible.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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