Hello, new here

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Hi I’ve just been diagnosed with bile duct cancer.
Unable to have the operation or chemotherapy and given a “guesstimate” of 12-18 months 
I don’t feel ill - just weak and so almost don’t believe I have cancer.

is this a common reaction ?

  • My partner has had the exact same as you. 12-18 months. No chemo. He also doesn’t feel unwell, just tired. It’s so difficult and it seems to me that they are expecting it to spread before offering palliative chemo. All the best to you.

  • I won’t be given any chemo as it will affect my vascular system and I have serious vascular problems Smirk

    I hope all goes well with your partner 

  • I was completely surprised to find out that I had this cancer. I was being treated for secondary bowel cancer. It was after a second liver resection that the hospital discovered a new primary of bile duct cancer. I haven’t been unwell with it either. I don’t understand the oncologist’s prognosis. I have had this cancer since 2022. When I questioned my prognosis of 6 months without treatment, or 12 with, the oncologist said it wasn’t based on my age, fitness, or general health! Has your oncologist ruled out immunotherapy? Wishing you all the best.

  • I have no idea what immunotherapy is? We have just been told sorry there is nothing we can do. They won’t even offer chemo because of inconclusive biopsyShrug♀️

  • Immunotherapy wasn’t offered. I’m 73 with quite a few other medical issues.

    i reacted badly to the laparoscopy to see if it had spread which it hadn’t ( had sepsis of chest area). As I was so weak after that relatively minor surgery, I decided against the 8 hour major surgery that would take 6 months plus to recuperate..

    However there had been 3 red flags anyway. 1 the fitness test had a red alert and they didn’t know if I would be fit enough to recover. 2. the anaesthetist wasn’t happy with the fitness result for the duration of the operation 3. As I have vascular problems, the length of the operation could cause dehydration which would affect my heart. 

    As I’m a positive person I just know I will beat the 12-18 month guestimate. I’m planning to tick off as much as possible on my bucket list.Grin

    All the best to you.

  • Immunotherapy is a more targeted treatment. Phone the hospital and ask about your partner’s suitability. Also ask about molecular biology. There are more treatments that have been approved by NICE. If you don’t get any answers, ask for a second opinion. I’m off to bed now, but let me know if I can help in the morning.

  • Thank you. I will ask at the next appointment.