Looking for some advice please

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  • 21 subscribers

My grandma was diagnosed exactly a year ago. She had a stent fitted and we were told that she also had tumours on a kidney and her stomach. In May last year she got sepsis and had an external drain fitted due to abscesses on her liver. We were told she had no more than 6 months to live. They kept the drain in as it was continuing to drain the abscess. Last week the drain came out naturally but there is still puss coming out of the wound. I’m a bit concerned as to where the puss will go once the wound heals. She is 90 and extremely frail and unable to undergo any treatment. Has anyone had any similar experiences and could let me know what to expect.

We have an appointment at the hospital on the 22nd of this month but have been told we need to wait until then unless she needs emergency care. She is in pain and feeling “a bit rubbish”. She hasn’t much of an appetite and is getting a bit unsteady. 

Any advice would be extremely welcomed Blush

  • Hi and a warm welcome to the online community

    I'm not a member of this group, as I had a different type of cancer, but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet.

    I hope your gran is feeling better since you posted this. I wondered when you said that "we have been told we need to wait until her appointment unless she needs emergency care" if her hospital team knew that her drain had come out, puss was coming out of the wound and that she is in pain and feeling "a bit rubbish". If they are not aware of this it might be an idea to speak to them as soon as possible to see if she should be seen sooner.

    Wishing you and your gran all the best


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  • Hi not advice but my mum was diagnosed with bile duct cancer and 1 year ago her scans have been fine and no treatment but constant infections she has a stent in has any 1 else been through similar