Discomfort in abdomen three months after liver resection/ bile duct resection.

  • 4 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi...I was diagnosed with intrahepatic bile duct cancer i. September last year...I had surgery a liver resection and bile duct resection. Presently having Adjuvant Chemotherapy.

Since my surgery I ve had constant discomfort in my abdomen...feel very heavy...

Has anyone else felt the same?

  • Hello, I too had bile duct cancer and liver resection surgery in July last year.  Six months on I am still experiencing varying abdominal pains, which feels like muscle strain with a specific area feeling 'tight and knotted'.  My surgeon thinks it is nerve pain. I am currently looking into methods of pain control e.g. acupuncture or treatment via a physiotherapist.  Both of which would be private so there is a cost involved.  Does anyone have experience in these or other alternative treatments that are available.  Thank you. Jean

  • Hi Jean. I have the same thing … just above and to the left of my belly button. Brain going to dark places but just spotted your post which makes sense. Mine only feels odds when something is pressing on it or i am engaging my core. Did you get any information about nerve damage? Thanks Mel

  • Hi. My abdominal discomfort eventually settled to a much lower level at around 10 months post op though I still have it to a varying degree. I think it is bowel related now, esoecially if my system is sluggish. I believe it to be a small  'adhesion' of the bowel or just where the bowel has been repositioned. My surgeon does not confirm this though says could be and unless an adhesions causes obstruction it is generally not treated. I tried both acupuncture and Bowen therapy which helped me mentally and may have helped but not 100%. The discomfort level I now have is generally on a pain scale one so I am happy just to get on with things now. Best wishes to you and your recover.

  • Hi,

    I was reassured reading these posts.

    I had surgery in April '24, liver resection, removal of the bile duct and gall bladder, reconfigured internal 'plumbing'. I've had pain ever since, but it is slowly reducing. At first, when I walked, it felt like a full shopping bag pinned to my stomach. It was awful. It's a lot easier now, but its virtually constant. I sleep will a pillow supporting my stomach, which helps me. During chemo, although i only have minimal side effects, I sometimes feel like giving up. But those feelings pass and I battle on. I'm hoping that one day the pain disappears completely. Wouldn't that be great!

    All you can do is try to and find things that work for you. With me it's painkillers, hot baths, hot water bottles... and my pillow.

    Never give up, keep battling. 

    Looking forward to better days.
