Gallbladder cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi my partner was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer in September 2019. It came out of nowhere he had no pain no symptoms at all just slight stomach ache after a few sips of beer.

He stopped drinking as he thought he may have over done it on the alcohol a bit....he then began to loose weight and I noticed his skin was pale yellow in colour. He went for routine blood tests and WAM  that's when we realised something serious was wrong. The jaundice got really bad and he went for scans ultra sound, ct and MRI. It revealed gallbladder cancer that had spread to his liver we were told it was a very rare cancer and was inoperable plus incurable. He had bile duct stents inserted which sorted out the jaundice and has since started chemo.

On boxing day his temperature went sky high and he had really bad rigours which was horrible to see and not be able to do any thing. Has any one else experienced this ? His was due to a bacteria infection.....we thought.

After another ct scan and hospital stay for a week. We that were told his gallbladder was fistulating with his stomach allowing stomach acid travelling to gallbladder and vice versa. Has any one else experienced this?

Since this he has been experiencing lower left abdominal pain which is very painful and we have no idea why. Does anyone else have any experience of this?

Also has anyone had dental problems while having chemo treatment? 

I hope what I have written is ok as I have no experience in this and I would grateful for any thoughts and experience any one has to share with me. 

Also it gives me reassurance  too

Snowdon2 x

  • Hi  and welcome to the online community

    I'm really sorry to read that your husband has been diagnosed with gall bladder cancer which has spread to his liver. It must be a very stressful time for you both.

    As I didn't have this type of cancer I'm afraid I can't help you with your questions but I noticed that your post hadn't had any responses yet. 

    It would probably be a good idea to join and post this in the gall bladder cancer and secondary liver cancer groups as well. Clicking on the links I've created will take you to the groups where you just need to select 'join this group' after which you can post your question.

    I can see that you have posted questions in ask a dentist and ask a nurse and, although you haven't had a reply from the dentist yet, you have had a reply from Ellen who is one of the nurse specialists. If you haven't seen her reply clicking here will take you directly to it.

    Sending you a virtual ((hug))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thank you so much latchbrook for your reply it was really great to get it and I will do as you advise and post elsewhere. 

    I'm just getting my head around this online community.....its getting easier.

    Stress I can handle it's the not knowing, the unexpected and how to deal with every day situation the best way possible that's hard.

    I hope your fighting your situation and I am sending you big hugs back to get through these wretched times

    Love n hugs

  • Hi

    Thanks for the hugs, they're always appreciated.

    The site can be a little tricky to navigate at first so if you need any help just shout.

    I see that you've joined the carers only group which I think you'll find is a great place to share your worries and to share experiences with other carers.

    I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma 3 years ago and, touch wood, everything is currently under control. I just have to go for 3 monthly check-ups now.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    thank you so much and that's great news for you. i'm so pleased i will keep in touch 
