Blood clots

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My husband was diagnosed with bile duct cancer 2 months ago and started Gem/Cis chemo.  He had one round of treatment and then developed a blood clot in his leg.  He is now on blood thinners and is waiting to restart chemotherapy this time minus the cisplatin.  He actually felt very well after the first round of chemo and I thing we both had a small amount of hope.  This has all been dashed now and each day I worry about every minor ache or pain that he suffers.  He does not sleep well at night and this makes him tired.  I do wonder if more could have been done to plan for blood clots as this is a known side effect of cisplatin and this cancer.  I feel helpless and wish there was more that I could do.  I have done a lot of research on clinical trials and my husband has been signed up for one but this is on the proviso that he is found to be a suitable candidate.

I am now starting to get very anxious as my husband is now sleeping very badly leaving him very tired and is getting a lot of discomfort in his abdomen.  I don't know what to do to help him and feel that time is running out and we are being left with no options.