Hoping for the best

  • 21 replies
  • 7 subscribers

My husband has had pancretitis with complications for 2.5 months  and still has one abdomen drain in  this is holding up his chemo for bile duct cancer and his wipple op anyone else have experience with complicated pancreatitis. Thanks 

  • Thank you for takibg tge time to help ne Andy it's a lonely place as Mark and I only have each other. I will keep you posted


  • Sorry fir the kate reply. They have niw moved Mark to another hospital and he will be seen by his consultant daily. Talking about feeding him so should find out tomirrow. This flare up is a bad one back on iv antibiotics. Sometimes it feels this is never going to end. 

  • Hi Dee,

    Looks like you’ve made a bit of progress. How are you and Mark doing?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Andy, i am a wreck and Mark is the strong one. Hopefully they will start feeding him tomorrow also they are talking about putting a camera down to see what's going on. He is out of pain which is good but hospitals seem so slow to react to anything.


  • Good that Mark is out of pain and that they seem to have a plan.

    I’ve been on both sides of carer & patient, and I found it so much harder being a carer due to feeling helpless, frustrated and the torture of seeing a loved one suffer. I’m sure you’re a lot stronger than you think & you’ll find hidden depths of strength you never knew you had.

    Hope has kept me going for a lot longer than the doctors ever thought I would.

  • Andy you are so positive and it really helos me.. Family on bioh sides seem tio have sloped off which is hurtful. Hope is everything and focusing on the small victories is all we can do.

    It must have been so tough fir you and your family. I hope i can be strong  for Mark. 


  • People react in strange ways sometimes. Possibly their own fear, don’t know what to do or how to react and step away. They normally come round but it takes time, unfortunately.

    Keep doing what you’re doing, fight when you need to, celebrate the small wins & keep your chin up and you’ll both get there!

  • Andy thankyou so much for taking time  to reply. It's more comforting  than you kniw.


  • Anytime. We’re all in this together. There is a FB community “Cholangiocarcinoma Support (UK & Europe)” with nearly 400 members, for patients and carers. It is also supported by the dedicated charity AMMF.

    But if you drop me a note here, I’ll reply as soon as I can.

  • Thanks Andy i really appreciate it
