I have my plan

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  • 66 subscribers

Today has been very busy , my first appointment with an oncologist she was lovely.

So Im T3 N1 M0 , my treatment will be 28 days of chemo radiation.

Treatment to start in 2/3 weeks firstly I need my scan for radiation and tattoos and another appointment for chemo ward and some checks.

I’d explained that I had join this group and already had some great information and tips.

The only shock was my treatment will not be at my local cancer centre as they dont have the anal specialists there. The centre I will be at is in the middle of Liverpool city centre  and Im a nervous driver !!! They will arrange transport which is a big help.

Im relieved to have my plan. 

Emma x

  • That’s brilliant news Emma, one step closer to getting started, I’ve had my tattoos done, I just need my bloods doing before I can have my first lot of chemotherapy. It will be nice to get sorted, daunting but nice. 
    I’m a nervous driver as well so I’m relying on friends to take me there and back, an hour away, so a bit of a distance but there is always hospital transport if required. Please keep us updated with how things are, we can support each other on here. 

    Kindest regards, Adele. 

  • Well done Emma, you will be in good hands .. I’m a scouser but unfortunately don’t live there anymore .. do you have far to go ? 
    I moved in with my partner during treatment and it was an hour drive but we did it with help from family when he couldn’t … 

    tick each day off , ask for help if needed and we will be with you 

    Take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • It’s great to hear that things are moving along Emma ( ), I’m pleased that you found your oncologist to be lovely too, I was lucky enough to have a great, compassionate oncologist too & it makes all the difference when you can have a good rapport with them, I think some can be quite matter of fact about the whole thing, maybe dealing with peoples cancer journeys makes some this way over time. 

    Yes the anal cancer specialists are somewhat thin on the ground, or they definitely were when I had my treatment a little over 6 years ago. I was lucky enough that mine was close at the National Centre for Cancer Care at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, around 20 minutes away from where I live, he was primarily a lung cancer specialist but also the lead for anal cancer, patients where coming from far & wide to see him, some staying in hotels or rented accommodation throughout their treatment as it would be too far to travel on a daily basis. Having said this I think things are getting better & more Cancer Centres are getting oncologists that specialise in our particular cancer so hopefully people are not having to stay away from home during treatment as this isn’t ideal. 

    I also used a local charity that provided transport for anyone having cancer treatment at the hospital where I was treated, in hindsight I probably could have managed most of the driving myself but you don’t know that before you’re there so it’s always wise to have help if it’s offered, I’ll always be grateful to them. 

    Good luck with your upcoming appointments, before you know it you’ll be out the other side & on the road to recovery. 


  • Yes we are one step closer, fingers crossed our treatment plans run smoothly x

  • I googled my oncologist and she is also a lung cancer specialist , they must be similar cancers.

    Small world my daughter received treatment for a heart condition in 2016 and we lived in scotts house at the back of freemans for a few months . She has check ups every 3 months so we call Newcastle our second home Grinning its such an amazing hospital and we love all the people so kind and friendly

    My oncologist did say I could have the treatment more locally but if any issues came there would be no speciaist to quickly sort me out . The extra travelling is a pain but a small price to pay 

    Emma x

  • Wow that’s even more of a coincidence  , my daughter was born with a congenital heart condition & is still reviewed annually at the Freeman, we’re there next week actually! It is an amazing hospital, I class myself very lucky living in the vicinity of a couple of excellent hospitals (I received my initial surgery at the RVI in Newcastle as my colorectal surgeon is based there) another outstanding hospital. 

    I think you’ve made the right decision to travel that little bit further, especially as they’re taking care of your transport, you’ll have the best care on hand should you need it. 


  • So glad to hear you’ve got your plan and dates x

  • Hello Emma

    I think it is so important to have a rapport with the consultant treating you so I am really pleased you have this.  I also had to travel for the chemo/radiotherapy and also for my checkups, not a huge distance but enough to take a few hours out of the day.  But the treatment I had was first-class and I didn't mind.  If you have transport laid on it is one less thing for you to worry about.

    The next few weeks will pass really quickly and once treatment starts you will feel much more in control.  And you can start counting off the days!

    We are always here to offer support and tips at any time.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Emma,

    I'm glad your plan is in place and how brilliant that transportation is being arranged! I too hate driving in cities.

    The next couple of weeks will fly by as you bustle about preparing for everything, then it's goodbye cancer time!



  •   I have my start date 15th July , have you started yet?