Hi all T4 N2

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  • 55 subscribers

Hi all my names angie I'm 57 married 3 girls and a grandson. I'm just looking for anyone on a similar journey. I was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago with anal cancer I haven't got my head around it yet. All I know is my bottom is killing me more since I had 5he biopsy and its T4 N2 an on Tuesday I go for a pet scan an Thursday I get a stoma bag. Everything is happening so fast I don't know if I'm making the right decisions cause I hardly know anything about cancer stoma bag chemo etc I would love to hear off anyone on this journey or who's on the other side of it please 

  • Hi everyone I findthe group very supportive friends and family can offer lots of support but so.wo e who is either going through it or been through it is invaluable like previously said were all at different stages but there is always someone e who's been there and can offer advice xx

  • Hello Sootybrad1

    My heart goes out to anyone going through the turmoil of those first few weeks when life is a whirlwind of appointments and scans and everything is so new and frightening.  But the treatment is pretty standard, chemo/radiotherapy which is very effective at eradicating this type of cancer. I am guessing that your tumour is affecting and blocking the passage of stools which is why this is being done doing prior to the rest of the treatment. 

    I went into hospital five weeks ago for a stoma formation.  My treatment ended well over two years ago but I was left with anal stenosis that necessitated a daily diet of stool softeners which in turn were so effective that when I needed to go it was really urgent.  All I can say is that if I had known that I would end up with a stoma I would have had it done in the beginning before chemo/radiation and the accompanying extremely painful nether regions. My life is just so much easier now and it is absolutely amazing how quickly you learn how to deal with it.  It hasn't all been easy, I had an infection in the stoma site and am on my second lot of antibiotics, but the days of planning an outing dependent on the vicinity of loos have gone.

    I am sorry you are in so much pain from the biopsy, others have had this done and found it equally as painful.  Mine left me with what was like a bad period pain but I think I got off lightly as my tumour was at the start of the rectum.  Hopefully they gave you a good supply of painkillers to see you through.

    The most painful part of the op for the stoma formation was the pain in my shoulders afterwards, more than the actual stoma site.  Your abdomen is distended with gas to make the op easier and the gas can push the diaphragm up irritating a nerve causing referred pain in the shoulders (I have probably got some of that wrong, I am not a medic!).  But I had painkillers and it only lasted a couple of days.

    I am happy to answer any questions if you think I can help.

    Thinking of you.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene. I haven't met the oncology people yet my appointment isn't til the 11th. I've met a surgeon he said my cancer is t4 n2 I didn't know what that meant so I googled it and it sounds like quite bad .how can I find out if its really bad .

  • Hello Sootybrad1

    This page is helpful in deciphering what the surgeon told you. 


    We all Google but to our cost, it can be really frightening so I would really try and avoid it if you can - a lot of the information in there is out-of-date, unproven or just plain wrong.

    Your oncologist will give you more detailed information and in the lead-up to treatment beginning you will have scans and further tests, and behind the scenes there are MDT meetings (Multi Disciplinary Team) who examine all the results and decide on the best course of treatment for you.

    I know how hard the waiting is but the best person to talk to is the oncologist; s/he will be able to advise you on all aspects of the cancer.

    Sending a big hug.

    Irene xx