Hello Everyone - Another New Member

  • 18 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to say ‘hello’, I got my diagnosis on the 30th April, in the end it wasn’t a surprise, initially I was misdiagnosed. I already found this site very useful to read tips and advice from people who have been through the necessary treatment.. My husband sadly died from cancer in October 21 at the age of 52 so I know what a cruel disease this is, he had a sarcoma. I’m 54 now and it’s just me and my 14 year old daughter who I’m determined not to leave on her own. I’m sure I’ll be messaging for advice once my treatment starts. Virtual hugs to everyone in this group. Xxx

  • Hi Coco welcome to our little corner. So glad you found us before your treatment actually starts as you will find lots of tips on how to manage the possible side effects. If my doctor said I was young and should easily cope with the side effects although they can be tough I was 66 so you will probably cope even better. I had gone through the menopause so didn’t experience this being brought forward due to being a certain age. 
    I am sorry to hear about your husband but your daughter is of an age where she will be fairly independent and supportive. I am nearly three years post treatment and have very little side effects to talk about. I do have to watch my foods I eat a bit more closely but it improves as time goes on by introducing different foods gradually. Certainly keep in touch 


  • Yes on a few occasions one sachet was not enough for me either especially after my surgery  I also had to experiment what time of day to take them, now it’s a very individual thing but I used to take mine before bed thinking they’d do their thing overnight as I usually ‘go’ first thing in the morning but obviously we’re not drinking overnight so you’ve less fluid to absorb so eventually I started taking them as soon as I got up & found that worked better for me, I still went to the loo first thing but it was probably the dose I’d had 24hrs earlier that was working it’s magic.

    I’m pleased to hear you had a better day. 


  • Hi Julie, 

    Thank you so much for messaging it’s really thoughtful of you. So nice to read that you are cancer-free now with very few side effects, I hope to have the same result, or just to be cancer-free will be such a result. 

    Kindest regards, Adele. (Coco70) xx

  • Hi Nicola, 

    Yes I might try changing the time I take mine to see what works best for me, thank you for the useful tip. 

    Best wishes, Adele. Xx

  • Hi Wave just checking in on how you are doing - I have had a weekend of family things and totally not about me that was great x   Now back to reality as seeing my consultant today for the lowdown and plan I hope x 

    Our timing is similar so keeping an eye on you too x. 

  • Hi Angie, 

    Thank you for messaging, that’s so nice of you. I hope your day has gone well and that you have been given your treatment details. I’m just seeing which of my friends can take me to my treatment sessions. 
    I’m currently often in a lot of pain and even lots of pain relief isn’t currently easing it so I’m struggling to do anything much at the moment. 
    Please update me on how you’re doing, it would be lovely to support one another through this process.

    Sending a virtual hug to you. Hugging xxx

  • I think of you lots as same sort of timing x 

  • Hey x I feel awful for you  - I am not in that situation at the moment so sympathise!  My fate is 26h June x  

    beat wishes to you