Hi I’m new here. I have rectal/anal cancer. I had 5 weeks of chemo radiotherapy last year. I was taking part in research and got regular sigmoidoscopy.

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I was given all clear for nearly a year then last scan showed re growth. I am scheduled for abdominoperineal resection on 28th April which will result in a permanent colostomy. I can’t sleep for thinking about it.

  • DANG!!!! I'm so sorry. What a punch in the gut after a year of feeling positive.

    It's the shadow that never really goes away. 

    The colostomy should at least make any further treatment a little easier. What are they planning for that?

    Keep us posted!


  • Hi  ,

     I’m sorry that you’re going through this again after battling through treatment, which in itself really isn’t easy at times! 

    We have had a few people through the group at various times that have had APR surgery & although what you’re facing is major surgery as far as I’m aware they’ve recovered well & are back living their lives. 

    Regarding living with a colostomy we have another group here on the online community that you may find it worth joining to gain insight & advice on managing your colostomy, if you think this may be of some benefit to you just click on this link Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support then it’ll take you straight to the group & you can join just as you have here. 

    We’re here to support you however we can. 


  • Hello JpsyandP

    I am so sorry this has happened to you after going through and getting back to normal after the treatment and I am not surprised you are full of trepidation.  There are a few forum members on here who have stomas, hopefully they will pick up and help in reassuring you that life is really OK and they cope really well.

    I hope the next two weeks fly past, I am thinking of you.

    Irene xx

  • Hi. That must have been a terrible blow for you. I know a lady who has a stoma (for different reasons). She has been offered a reversal but chooses to stick with the stoma, as she's quite happy with it. I wish you the best of luck. xxx

  • Will need to wait until pathology comes back after op then decide whether I need chemo.