New here so just saying hello

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  • 56 subscribers

Just joined to hopefully understand more and gain reassurance and to help others in similar situations.

  • Hello Chrissie, and welcome to the forum, although I am sorry you have had to find yourself here.  Just about everyone on the forum has experience of anal cancer, the various treatments, and are about to start treatment, are going through it or have been through it and we have lots of coping strategies we can share.

    And when you feel ready please share your experience; no two people are exactly the same and your account may help others way down the line, and we may be able to help if you have some way to go.

    Irene xx

  • Hello Irene thank you for the welcome.  I think when you are so low knowing there are others also battling away trying to heal and have some normality is vey reassuring which is what i feel i need.  It's a lonely place to be - whoever is supporting you.  You are the one going through it trying to make sense of it all plus all the emotions and for me insomnia so I cant escape by way of a few hours sleep yet tired out.  I hope by people supporting me i can help others  having been through so much since January.  Cx

  • Hi  , 

    I’d like to second Irene’s welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sort you’ve had the need to find us. 

    You’re in good company here, we’ve all supported each other along the way through diagnosis, treatment & recovery & continue to do so. 

    Many people feel the need to share their experiences here whereas others get what they need from reading what other people post, it’s all down to personal choice really & what you’re comfortable with. Just know we’re here whenever, should you need us. 


  • Chrissie, I am so sorry that you are suffering insomnia on top of everything else; the dark hours in the middle of the night are just that - dark.  It is so difficult to switch our minds off from the overdrive they have been in for weeks and weeks from the day of diagnosis.  And thank you for coming on here to help others and you so recently out of treatment too.  I really hope it helps you sleep a little bit better at night.  And, I am not pushing drugs, but after my diagnosis my doctor had to prescribe anti-depressants for me, I just wasn't functioning.  He had cancer as a young man and to have him as my GP was an absolute Godsend; he was just wonderful.  So if your nights are just too long and bleak and becoming unbearable, see if your GP can help.

    Irene xx