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I have just turned 50 and had a sigmoidoscopy back in February followed by CT and MRI scans and then EUA and further biopsies. 
Told last week that I have SCC anal cancer which is localised but with some lymph nodes affected. 
i will need to travel to Bristol for treatment so am having to wait again now to hear from them. The waiting is awful and my symptoms seem to be getting worse - more pain especially. 
I am taking paracetamol throughout the day and a low dose of codeine at night  

I am trying to keep busy and active but it is hard to motivate myself when I am feeling worried.

It’s really bad timing as my mum has a different type of cancer and she is very ill.

I’m hoping that this week will bring news of an appointment  

  • Hi Sunny,

    I"m so sorry to hear that you've got this miserable cancer, but happy that you've found this marvelous site to help you through it. Waiting is the worst. 

    Are you your Mum's caretaker? How much support do you have, both to help with her and to help you as you move through this process? That might be one thing you can do to help fill the time until the ball starts rolling- rally the troops!

    Keep us posted. Rest when you can and use all your calming and grounding skills. You can do this. We'll help you.



  • Hello Sunnygirl, welcome to the forum although I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis and that you had to find yourself here.  You really are facing a lot in your life just now with your Mum and now you and I am not surprised that you are finding it hard to motivate yourself.

    If you haven't heard from Bristol please ring them and also the hospital that diagnosed you just to make sure your case has been transferred. Fortunately, once you are on the cancer pathway, things tend to start moving very quickly.  When you have your treatment plan in place you will feel a lot more in control, at the moment you are in limbo and you have my sympathy, it is really unpleasant not knowing who is going to be treating you and when it is going to start.  There is another member  (I hope you don't mind the tag, Carole) whose treatment has just started at Bristol who can probably give you much more information about the oncology department there.

    In the meantime, why not see if your GP can help with more pain control which in itself is so debilitating, never mind all the other things that you are dealing with right now.

    Please keep in touch, we are all thinking of you.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene. 
    I’ve chased it up with the hospital and the next step is waiting for a PET scan apparently. 
    In the meantime I’ve been advised to take more codeine if needed - along with fibogel. 
    Feeling a bit more positive today and off to take the dog out for a walk. Xx

  • Ah, walking the dog is so therapeutic - my high-energy pooch gets me out every single day! x

  • Hi Sunnygirl. 

    Yes same happened with me - was diagnosed by Bath and transferred to Bristol and they asked for PET scan afterwhich I quickly had appointment booked with Dr Falk at Bristol who explained the whole thing. Then treatment was scheduled for approx 3 wks later.  I totally get the 'in limbo' stage and I really sympathise with that!! Ask any questions you want!


  • Thanks Carole, that’s really kind. 
    Steph xx

  • Hello

    just wanted to update you. My treatment starts on Monday. I am having the 28 radiotherapy sessions alongside chemo. 
    It’s been a very tough few weeks as my mum died a couple of weeks ago.

    I am half dreading the treatment but also just want to get it started now. It’s felt like such a long wait.

    Hope that you are doing ok. X

  • Hi    

    I’m so incredibly sorry to hear about the loss of your mum, that must be so difficult to be dealing with your grief & also facing your imminent treatment.

    I completely understand how you’re feeling about starting treatment as I felt exactly the same but as soon as you get that first day over hopefully you’ll begin to relax a bit as I did. 

    Wishing you the very best of luck for Monday, I’ll be thinking of you.


  • Hi Sunnygirl

    So very very sorry to hear about your mum!  Awful time for that to happen.  I hope you have support at home.  If you start your chemo/RT on Monday at BRI  its possible I will see you.  I have my 2nd lot of chemo starting on Monday at 11am and then RT later.  Im not looking forward to it either.  I wasn't keen on the nausea/sickness but once they gave me stronger anti sickness meds it was ok.  Bear in mind that 2 different departments organise the appointments but the radiotherapy dept are brilliant at sorting out bad timings.  There has to be a gap of at least 2 hrs between chemo and RT but they will try to sort appointments.  Just ask. Very very best of luck!!

    Carole x