Two weeks after treatment

  • 6 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi all

I haven't been on the forum for a while.I finished my 6 weeks of Chemoradiation treatment 2 weeks ago for anal cancer.

I was deeply sunburnt from groin to past my anus.Very sore.I.finally purchased  a sitz bath cost was $17 Australian. Best invention ever.

I too had cystitis pain on urinating.Sitting on the sitz bath with salt water was a God send.Brilliant and I use it for all toileting especially as my anus is still pretty sore.I flush contents down toilet,clean it,refil it and put back on toilet ready for next episode.

I am still taking oxycodene 5 mg after passing stools along with 2 panadol which is good to enhance  the oxycodene.

After radiation was finished I found a great healing cream.Sudocrem which is used for nappy rash.You can't use this during the radiation because zinc is a metal.I am now at the stage where my skin is getting itchy.I started using E45 cream as someone else on the forum recommended it.Works well when you get to the stage of itchy skin.

I don't really watch what I eat now.Only had one evening of loose stools which was not pleasant.Istill have a sore anus but some days are better then others.

I continued working throughout this ordeal and had days off as needed.I work 7 days a week as a carer.I take my sitz bath with me and everything else I need.I have been caring for this gentleman for 4 years now so he is very kind.I have another person working with me which makes it easier.

See my oncologist on the 21st March and then go from there.Thankyou all for being there.I read the blogs and get info from there.

So again thankyou from Australia for being

  • You are a MONSTER!!!! in the best possible way! I can't believe you've not taken time off for this!

    I'm so in awe. Utterly gobsmacked.

    :O Suz

  • Thankyou for your kind words.The oxycodene helped enormously  with pain.Plus I would recommend a cooling gel pad.I sat on it every time I had to sit down and in the car as well.

    My sister found it tucked away in her wardrobe.Mine is for a large dog in summertime so it is approximately 900mm x 600mm.Absolutely fantastic to cool your backside after radiation and beyond. I use it daily whenever I need to sit.The cooling brings instant relief.Mine is large so I can move it around as the spot you are sitting on does get warm.But great all the same.No underwear at night.Smother myself with sudocreme and put an old sheet doubled over on the bed.

    The dog gel pad can be purchased in a pet store.I am not sure if you can get one that large for humans.

    Hope this helps others but the gel pad is really a life saver.

    Love and healing thoughts to all on this forum.



  • Hey  ,

    Thanks for the update on your recovery. You’ve done incredibly well to continue working right the way through, although my physical symptoms weren’t nearly as bad as some the fatigue completely wiped me out some days so I would have been asleep on my feet! 

    Regarding the itching that comes along with the healing process have you tried taking an antihistamine? A one a day, non-drowsy antihistamine worked wonders for me so it’s worth a try. I’m so pleased you’re finding ways around these side effects, we have to use our imaginations don’t we? & be a little creative! 

    Once again it’s good to hear from you & I hope your recovery is a speedy one. 


  • Susin

    Quite honestly, I don't know how you did it!  I found the fatigue overwhelming not to mention the total unpredictability of loo visits when I couldn't read my bowel signals at all in the early days.  But yes, the Sitz bath was an absolute God send for nearly everyone on here, my daughter found it very useful after she had surgery for haemorrhoids so I haven't got rid of mine yet!

    But you are through to the other side now, and things can only improve.  And I do hope that you have some real 'you' time planned (soon) so you can really relax and put all this behind you.

    Irene xx

  • HI

    Yes, I took your advice and take  telfast (antihistamine) in the morning. Another cream I found online from a GP on this forum is E45 cream which is an anti-itch and moisturizer in 1.I am no longer taker Oxycodone daily as my pain levels have subsided. The best things were as I previously stated was the sitz bath and the Sudocrem. They were my lifesavers after I finished Radiation.

    Good luck to all readers on this forum and take care of yourself.


  • Hi again  ,

    Both my oncologist & surgeon advised me to use sudocrem as the new skin sometimes gets a little irritated & rashy, my surgeon said it is literally like nappy rash & should be treated as such, I still use it from time to time now. 
