Not sure what to expect

  • 8 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone I haven't posted much on here mainly on the bowel cancer group. I was diagnosed last July and have had radiotherapy (horrible)  and chemotherapy no problem, now I am having surgery on Tuesday 14th having a colostomy and an E Lap ( complete removal of Anus/Rrectum and half of large Bowel so feeling a bit nervous. My tumour is very low down and the surgeon is going to patch me up with Pigskin so I asked her to be sure and remove the little curly tail . My wife has had non cancerous bowel problems for many years and was on the waiting list for a colostomy for several months , surgeon decided to go for a bogoff and do us both on the same day.  Sorry if I seem a bit flippant but I am quite scared and worried about the surgery but as my wife has had previous bowel surgery and didn't come round from anaesthetic for 12 hours she is real!y scared  so I am trying to make light of my feelings so as to help her through. . Can anyone tel! Me anything about the recovery from this surgery like how long before they could get up and  move around And especially about sitting down. And pain relief. Would be really nice to see some views of people with similar situation. Thanks DVid

  • Hi DVid,

    I think it's wonderful you're able to joke however lightly, and you guys getting BOGO ostomies least maybe here, where we share so many things.......both funny and kinda amazing.

    I have not had the surgery, but my bestie did a few years ago due to ulcerative colitis. She says it took her all of two days to get used to the stoma and has never for one single day regreted getting it, nor ever wants to own an anus again. 

    I hope the surgery brings you all the pain relief, and no curly tail (although that too could be fun.)



  • Hi ridebred   thanks for that every good comment helps.

  • It's kinda good to know that peop!e all over the world are going through similar things. Thank you and if I end up with a curly tail I won't be afraid to share it ( yuck) . Dave

  • Hello Summersdad

    I am so sorry you are facing this after having undergone the radiotherapy (horrible - yes!) and chemotherapy route.  I am sorry I can't offer any advice about recovery from this kind of surgery but there are quite a few on here who have undergone the same surgery and once recovered from the surgery are managing very well, hopefully you will get more answers shortly.

    I think you are very thoughtful making light of what is pretty major surgery so you can help your wife; but please don't try to be too brave, you know that whatever happens she is still going to worry about you.  That's a given!

    And don't forget if things get hard, we are all here to offer support.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene thanks for the message your absolutely right my wife worries about me at the best of time but I do try and take her mind off it if I can . I have had some lovely replies everyone is so helpful and supportive.  Cheers David 

  • Hi Dave ( ),

    Firstly welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community. Secondly I’m really sorry to hear that you’re still going through it after battling through the chemoradiotherapy.

    Don’t ever feel the need to apologise for cracking a funny here, it doesn’t all have to be doom & gloom just because there’s the big ‘C’ involved & personally I found the idea of the curly tail a lol moment. 

    I’ve had a little search on the forum & the most recent post regarding ELAP surgery was from  , I’m not sure if this member is still active on the forum but I’ve tagged them in this post in the hope that they will see it & be able to address some of your concerns.

    Wishing both you & your wife the very best of luck for your upcoming surgeries, 


  • Hi Niki16 thanks for the reply everyone  sending good wishes really dies help to feel positive.  Cheers David 

  • Hi

    My husband has colon and liver cancer and has a stoma bag in place now.He thinks its great especially going camping.No more digging holes for stools.

    I have anal cancer.

    His recovery was about 4 to 6 weeks.He was still up and about but only when necessary.He was cut half way down his chest through to his groin.Sat watching TV and slept.Stayed in hospital for 5 or 6 days.

    His tumour had wrapped itself around his colon so he was unable to pass stools

    He really doesn't mind keeping it this way.His anus is still open  incase of the possibility of the tumour being eradicated.He has stage 4 colon and liver cancer.

    Perhaps a gel cooling pad may help when sitting and purchase a sitz bath for relief.

    I wish you and your wife all the best with your cancer and beyond.

    Love Sue