Anal cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

I was treated for anal cancer with chemo/radiotherapy which finished on 2nd January. Here we are in April and I'm still in pain 24/7 and no-one is able to tell me why I'm in such pain I had an  emergency appointment with my consultant who said she didn't think it was radiotherapy pain this late on, but had no suggestions to explain the pain. I had a CT scan which revealed no problems eg an abscess or a collection. Is there anyone else  out there who has had the same problems and if so, how long did they go on for and what remedies were used to help? I very much look forward to hearing from anyone who can throw some light on all of this as my life is now confined to either being bed, or on the sofa all day as I can't sit at all, only stand or lie down and I really miss having a life and being able to walk my dogs.

  • Hi  

    I see you have managed to find the Anal cancer group . The treatment is slightly different to colorectal cancer so they may have more insights for you .

    Hope you get some relief as that sounds very painful .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Sorry   i thought I replied to you on the bowel thread ! 

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Jester

    i was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 N1 anal cancer November 21, I had  to have a stoma a month later start my treatment in the February and finished last April I still get pain a throbbing one and like a pressure there, iv been on oramorph from day one and still have it everyday, I normally have it after my first going a toilet, as I have mucus that comes away and it’s aways after that that the pain started, when I asked my oncologist if the tumour has now gone and I’m in remission why am I still getting the same pain that I was getting before I started treatment he just said it’s where you have had radiotherapy, I said but it the same pain he didn’t say anything else, iv got my 3rd MRI next week and see him again in April so I will ask again, maybe you should ask for some oramorph it’s been a hod send I don’t have much just 3 mls but it’s enough to carry on through the day without a pulsating pain. 

    pleade don’t suffer and ask for pain relief hope you get it sorted 

    laura x

  • Hello Laura, thanks for your reply. I won't take oramorph because it just bungs me up. I take brufen, but it doesn't kill the pain, but I dare not risk constipation. They changed my morphine and I became impacted - mg never imagined such pain existed. I do have the pulsing pain 24/7, but will take Laxido again, following a message on here from a fellow sufferer.Do you still lose the mucous - I do x