Just diagnosed

  • 8 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi I'm jumin, I've recently been diagnosed with stage 3 anal cancer. Bit of a shock to me that's never been ill and always been active. The day of diagnosis was a bit surreal, taking in that I had ccer was hard enough, but to be told I had to have a permanent stoma bag was life changing. I'm a week post op for my stoma...3 weeks post diagnosis. Been a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions, but I' focused on the fact that the stoma is going to be here for ever and I can't change that, but it gives me the chance to get my treatment done and that won't hopefully be for too long. Hopefully my chemo and radio therapy will start in the next few weeks and by summer, being optimistic I'll be feeling better and looking forward to a holiday in the sun somewhere nice

  • Hi. I reckon we all remember that day we were diagnosed, and the feeling of dread and disbelief on the way home. This cancer is very treatable, as other will tell you, and I was told it had gone in November. (However, I know that I have to keep having tests). As for the stoma, my friend has one. She has been offered a reversal but she says she's quite happy as she is and you wouldn't know it was there if you saw her. You'll get better replies than mine, as others are more able to explain etc. but all the best for everything. xx

  • I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but a warm welcome to the forum.  Jumin, all of us remember only too well the utter disbelief when we are told we have cancer and surreal describes the feelings very well;   Everyone here understands what you are going through to some degree (not everyone has a stoma) but I am in admiration of your positive attitude of acceptance and moving on from that.  One thing you will be spared is that the treatment can lead to extremely painful bowel movements for a period and you will see a common thread of coping strategies. 

    Fortunately everything seems to have happened quickly for you and once you have your treatment plan in place, you will feel a bit more in control.  We are always here for advice and support if you need it.

    And count off the days to that holiday!

    Irene xx

  • Hi  

    Gosh, everything’s happened so quickly your head must be in a whirl with it all. I have a permanent colostomy and you do soon get used to it. If you’re interested, there is a group in the community for stoma support where you can ask any questions and get some useful advice from others so please feel free to join the group. We have lots of good advice about travelling with a stoma too.

    This is the link Stoma Support Group

    All the best with your treatment, and focus on getting that holiday in the sun!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jumin, I'm SO sorry about your diagnosis. It sets you back on your heels, doesn't it? I'm glad your team is moving along briskly. I suspect you'll be one of  the many who are glad to have the stoma. The bathroom visits during treatment and recovery are no joke. 

    Get that treatment behind you and start looking forward to that holiday. You may want to hold off on booking it until you see how quickly you recover, but having a treat to anticipate is great for healing!



  • Hi there   & welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. I recall feeling completely numb & the disbelief was pretty overwhelming to be honest when I had my diagnosis! I’d never been ill, there was no family history of any kind of cancer, I now know that doesn’t matter, this was my lot & I had to deal with it as best as I could. That is where this forum really helped me, connecting with others with a similar diagnosis that had had treatment & were through the other side was an absolute godsend for me & offered me hope. 

    It sounds as though your treating team are really on the ball & have moved quickly & have everything well in hand. As Sarah has advised you may find it helpful joining the stoma group too as they’ll be able to offer lots of practical advice in these early days. You sound as though you have a positive attitude & looking forward, having something to aim for is always good. 

    There’s many of us here that have been diagnosed at all different stages & are at all different points in our journeys so you’re not alone. Please know we’re here to support you however we can. 


  • Hello  

    I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s a shock I know. I was diagnosed Stage 3C in 2021. It’s an incredibly frightening place to be but try to hold on to the fact that Stage 3 still means you have a great chance of being cured. My onco told me that positivity increases a good outcome enormously. 

    I avoided a stoma but there were times after treatment that I wished I had had one as the pain going to the loo after treatment was unbearable on occasions (I had one 7.5cm main tumour and one 5.5cm tumour in a pelvic node so had two areas for radiation therapy). So hopefully the stoma will greatly help you in that respect. Obviously I don’t know your whole circumstances but often a stoma can be reversed so do keep checking with your team. 

    You’ll be able to read back through all our stories on here and there are literally mountains of help and tips and you can make great use of the search facility to tailor it to your own specific needs. 

    There are many fabulous people on here like   who are in here all the time ready to support you and answer any questions you might have or to lend a listening ear. There isn’t anything you can’t share on here, believe me you’ll soon get over any embarrassment or feeling shy. We have all been through this or are going through it and knowledge, as they say, is power!

    I went through the stage of shock and disbelief, then anger.. why me? Then I began to think why not me? And then thank goodness it was caught by Stage 3 and not later when it could have been an entirely different story.  

    Keep thinking about that wonderful SUNNY HOLIDAY Sunny️ you’re going to go on once treatment is over. We’ll help you get there. Any wobbles and this fabulous bunch will be here to catch you! 

    Good luck and keep us posted

    PPR x 

    ps I meant to say after being diagnosed as Stage 3C T4 N2 M0  I am now 18 months post treatment and have had clear scans NED (no evidence of disease, both tumours completely eradicated!) So keep positive!! Lots of happy outcomes on here and although we don’t feel it at the time Anal cancer is a good cancer (I know, not a sentence I thought I’d ever say!) as it is highly treatable!!! Keeping all crossed for you x 

  • Thankyou for your reply. My tumour was measured at around 8cm and very close to blocking my passage on diagnosis, the stoma was formed to prevent obstruction and I've been told after treatment there won't be any chance of reversal anthers will be too much damage. At first I was pretty gutted, but now after getting my head straight see this as a small price to pay for my life to be spared.im focused now on getting strong and being ready for my treatment,and beating this xx

  • So glad to hear you're clear....fills me with hope I'll be just as lucky x