Hello and why didn’t I find you sooner !!

  • 8 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hello !! What a fantastic community but why didn’t I seek this out before now !! I felt I was the only person in England with this condition. I now realise I am not alone !!! I completed my chemotherapy/radiotherapy end of September and I have had my MRI which has so far it has worked .

I started a Facebook blog https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084165283394 at the start of my journey to try and log my adventures feel free to check it out . I am not the best at social media but I try Joy

I have been using the Mag right at the top of the page to look for any questions I have , again why did I not know this the information is in valuable and would have been a huge help during my treatment. However I am now using it to check further issues which is great , I have the usual symptoms most of you are listing from anal skin tag, lower back pain, urgently need to go to the toilet …

so again thank you are all amazing.

  • Hi  ,

    Welcome to the Macmillan online community & I’m so pleased you’ve finally found us. This forum was really got me through my diagnosis, surgery & treatment, the specialist nurse that sat in on my diagnosis gave me a Macmillan leaflet about anal cancer that day & this is how I found it such a shame it’s taken so long. 

    It’s good to hear that you’ve completed your treatment & have had a good report from your first round of scans. 

    Please just ask if you have any questions, as you’ve already seen there’s lots of people here with experience of the after effects of this treatment & beyond & there’s always a listening ear here too if you just fancy letting off a little steam. 

    I’ll take a look at your Facebook blog also. 


  • Thank you at 47 I do feel like I have aged 20 years my lower back is killing me. I am try walking daily just 20 mins but it’s not helping. I did mention it to my oncologist but he didn’t make anything of it? 


  • Hi Bumwarrior glad you found this site it's been so helpful to me I finished my treatment September 21 and have been suffering with my lower back   since it was so bad I couldn't even go shopping or do my house work   in the end I went to see my doctor she referred me for physio which has help me a lot still get back pain but it's not as pain full as it used to be and iv only been doing the physio for the last 3 months  hope you can get it sorted  

  • Hello Bumwarrior

    This forum is absolutely invaluable, anal cancer is relatively rare so the forum is quite small and not too busy but I much prefer it that way.  Many who have finished treatment have stayed to help others and I am sure you have valuable advice to offer too, as well as hopefully touching base with people who have back pain.  So welcome here and I look forward to reading your blog.

    Irene xx

  • Hi again Claire ( )

    I know exactly what you mean! I’m 4yrs 7 months post treatment & still suffer with lower back pain, bilateral sciatica & hip & upper thigh stiffness, I walk my dog for 45 minutes to an hour each day, I’m on my feet at work for approximately 4 hrs out of 8! I’ve just begun a course of intensive physiotherapy & have to say after 8 weeks it’s made a significant improvement especially to the sciatica & lower back pain. I know you’re pretty fresh out of treatment but maybe think about asking for a physio referral a little further down the line (or you can also now self refer I believe). Prior to the physio referral from my GP both my surgeon & my oncologist had previously checked my scans for possible fractures in my coccyx, lower spine & pelvis but all was good & it seems that the pain is possibly all muscular related. It’s worth mentioning my physiotherapist stressed the importance of keeping moving too but that’s not so easy when you’re in constant pain at some level is it? 


  • Hi Bum

    I didn't find this until I was finished with treatment either! Fortunately I did find it while I was still in the difficult recovery period. It's been such a lifesaver! As Nicola often says, sorry you needed to find us but glad you're here!


  • Thank you due to see consultant 14th for an examination nice valentine Love letter present Rofl then a CT 2 weeks later Pray

  • Hi Claire

    Great to see you on the forum.Again thankyou for your Facebook blog.I enjoy our online chats which have been very helpful.I am now half way through my 6 weeks.All good except for on itchy scratchy hairline scratch on the outside of my anus.Got plenty of creams and gels from the hospital which are free whenever I need them.

    I spoke to the nurse about the foods I am not supposed to eat and she said as long as they don't cause loose stools it is all trial and error.

    So glad that you have a good report  from your scans and are well.

    Take care and again thankyou for your amazing blog and chats.

    Sending love and healing your way.

    Sue (Australia)