AIN 3 / Anal cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers
  • Good morning Slight smile I’m new to the site I’ve been having treatment for AIN 3 for the past 4 years now. I was diagnosed with anal scc last year and had it removed. Now on a 5 year surveillance having laser and biopsies every 3 months which feels never ending! Looking for people in similar situations to share stories of own situations and support 
  • FormerMember

    Hello love have messaged you xxx

  • I had my second PET scan since treatment which was negative for recurrence, meaning cancer free for past 7 months. Then my oncologist said I needed a CT scan in 3 months and added he was looking for distant Mets. It upset me because I hadn’t even thought about “distant Mets”. I feel like now I have something worse to worry about. 
    I don’t think you ever get over a cancer diagnosis, it’s always in the back of your mind. I realize my oncologist wasn’t trying to scare me, but he did. He said I could have my Port-A-Cath removed if the next CT is negative. 
    I can live with all the changes to my body due to radiation, but sometimes I wish this would be over, like a bad dream.