Just finished treatment

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  • 59 subscribers

Hi all, I just finished my 6 weeks of chemo and radiotherapy on Friday, in a lot of pain inside ana, feel as if my muscles inside are aching and I need the toilet all the time even though not eating much, bladder is also aching, any idea if and when how long it takes to go back to normal. Many thx

  • Hello Clareva

    I'm sorry you have had to find this forum, but now that you have you will find a really lovely bunch of people who have all had or are going through your experience.  You may find that things will get worse but peak about two weeks after treatment and then things do really start to improve.  Some on here recovered very quickly but others took longer, there doesn't seem to be a hard and fast rule.

    I hope the team treating you have given you medication for the pain; if it isn't working please do let them know, I had several different types to take which did help.  I would also mention the aching bladder to them, you may well have a bladder infection.  I couldn't  have done without my Sitz bath (from Amazon) which I filled with warm water and used for bowel movements, it was much less painful under water and was easily emptied and cleaned.  You haven't long finished chemo and I believe it was that that gave me chronic diarrhoea.  Your bowel will calm down eventually, there are lots of people on the forum whose bowel has gone back to normal.  I am 10 months out of treatment, eat and drink what I want but still take Normacol, a stool softener, daily as the new skin in the anus is very sensitive and bleeds easily and I dread the thought of being constipated. 

    Be kind to yourself in the next few weeks, have lots of rest and eat whatever you fancy, I survived on a daily slice of cheese on toast with mustard and finely chopped onion - believe it or not it was all I could eat!  I bought Ensure liquid high calorie meal supplements as I had lost a fair bit of weight during treatment and one slice of toast wasn't enough to stop that.  But that only lasted a few weeks.

    Sending you all my best wishes for speedy healing, and please remember we are always here to help and support if we can.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene, hoping to recover soon as not taking pain killers tried not to as taking 8 chemo tablets a day but think I might have too now. Glad you are doing ok, looking forward to healing been a tough 6 weeks, still working and trying to be as normal as I can for my teenager daughter, but it’s tough. 

  • Hi Clareva,

    I have only started my treatment.This was day 2.

    I have pain in my anus and bladder which is quite debilitating.The Dr.prescribed me Xylocaine which is a numbing cream.Also available over the counter.Works wonders.I also take Immediate release Oxycodene 5mg.They seem to know exactly where the pain is but I generally only take 1 tablet after morning bowel motion.Although you can take them 4 hourly.Glad I decided to take these.

    Good luck and hope your pain ease soon.

    Sue xx

  • Oh my, I honestly don't know how you are still working, I was fit for nothing at the end of treatment and spend most of the day in bed I was so exhausted.  It must be incredibly tough for you, please don't try to be too normal for your daughter, what you are going through isn't a normal illness and recovery, it certainly wasn't for most of us.  Forgive me if I am being insensitive and I don't mean to pry but could you take a couple of weeks off sick?  I find it very sobering to think that people have to work through the end of this treatment and I do hope that this isn't the case for you.

    Irene x

    Ps If you do take the painkillers, and it does sound as though you need them, be very careful that they don't make you constipated.  With hindsight I would have started Laxido or similar at the same time.

  • Thx Sue, numbing cream sounds good. Thx

  • Hi Clare a, well done with completing the treatment. I don’t know how you have managed to do without pain relief up to now! I was taking paracetamol and two hours later ibuprofen plus morphine towards the end of treatment. My medical team said don’t be the hero and take painkillers if you need them and I did. Some manage on less and that’s good. I did worry about becoming addicted to the morphine but you don’t as it’s short term. I also took movicol to prevent constipation . As Irene said you usually reach your peak around two weeks after completing your treatment but it can go on longer which was in my case just over four weeks. I too used a sitz bath for bowel movements and urinating and used a bidet spray which was so soothing. It took me a few months to get round my bowel movements which could be up to five times a day and I wasn’t eating loads. Time is a great healer and now you will not have to contend with the daily commute to hospital. I am amazed you continue to work as I too took to my bed every afternoon which is a way of healing. Your body has been through the wars and now is the time to nurture it back to health. Good luck

  • EEEeeeeeEEEEEeeeeeEEEEEE!!!!! I'm in awe that you haven't been taking painkillers thus far and are still working!!! As for the time, it's different for everyone, of course, but for most of us it's a rough couple of weeks at the end of treatment. I was not only not working, but couldn't even manage my farm chores. My husband did everything as well as cater to me as I lay back in the lounge chair and slept, and cried. 

    Painkillers do constipate, so make sure to take a lax if you do take painkillers and I think you should really really consider taking the painkillers. You're a huge badass, but take the help. And some time off work if you can. Demonstrate self-care for your daughter as well as the toughness you clearly embody.

    I'm 10 months out from treatment and mostly back to normal, although I'm not even sure I remember what normal felt like (was in constant pain for a couple of years prior to my cancer diagnosis.) With your badassery it'll probably be even quicker. 

    But for the next couple of weeks, baby yourself. Seriously. Do it.



  • Thx Irene I could have a few weeks off work if need be but as I am a single parent and not sure if treatment will work I am trying to keep my sick days in case I need an operation and stoma if the worst comes to it. Yes I never took pain killers as scared to get constipated as to be honest not sure i could take that. But defo think I need something now, will just have to take the laxatives as I no longer have to take the chemo tablets so don’t feel as bad taking something now. District nurse is coming out tomorrow so I will ask her what I can take. Many thx

  • I understand, and sincerely hope that you don't need more treatment.  I am really concerned about you right now, working through all of this whilst you are in so much pain and discomfort, never mind if the fatigue hits you, it is very common after treatment.  It would be a good idea to visit https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/impacts-of-cancer/benefits-and-financial-support, there is a helpline and they can make you aware of any of the benefits that you could claim.  I am tagging  , Nicola, I hope you don't mind the tag, but I believe you were also working and were able to claim something, perhaps you could advise Clareva.

    Please come back and let us know how you are.

    Irene xx