Dr. Sausagefingers

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I've got to go back to him on Friday. My butt is clenching spasmodically at the very thought.

How am I going to endure the years of DREs I have ahead of me if I'm sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night panicking every time?



  • Hey Suz!

    I was thinking of you just yesterday, wondering where in the process you were and thinking something was coming up for you in late January.  Now I know—yikes, I’m sorry, I know these exams are high-anxiety for you!

    I don’t think I can offer much in the way of words, suggestions, or remedies to alleviate either/both your emotional or physical distress.  I can only say you're heard, and you’re not alone.

    I recall the last time I had a DRE and anoscopy, at my July check-in, and I was feeling so great heading into those appointments.  No pain or discomfort at all for a couple of weeks prior, so I assumed the exam wouldn’t hurt, but no such luck.  It still hurt, I still bled a little after.  Yes, the “good news” of no cancer helps a little, but not entirely, and it doesn’t help much in the lead-up to the appointment at all, when you’re not only worried about the physical discomfort, but also the possibility that there won’t be good news when all’s said and done.

    I head to Houston for my three month check-in next week, so I won’t be far behind you.  This set of appointments includes CT, labs, med onc, DRE and anoscopy, so yeah, I feel ya on all of that anxiety.  Let’s cheer for each other that we both have good news and un-sore butts in a couple of weeks.  It will be the one year anniversary of my last chemo-radiation treatment, so that’s a milestone I look forward to meeting, and an un-sore butt would only make it sweeter.

    Hugs to you!


    P.S. I know I’m not supposed to find any of this funny, but “my butt is clenching spasmodically” is such a turn of phrase…I can’t help but giggle a little.  Thanks for the smile. ;)

  • Suz

    Are you going to have the anoscopy again?  Please, please - ring and ask for sedation.  I have read up about this procedure in the States (we don't seem to have it here, thank goodness) and it can be done.  I have an extremely sensitive, tight anus and very quick DREs with a very small finger are bad enough.  My butt cheeks are clenching in anticipation on your behalf...

    Looking ahead I do hope all the results are good for both you and  

    Irene xx

  • Hi Suz ( )

    I feel for you I really do!! I’m lucky in the fact that I’ve had very understanding Dr’s going into the dreaded DRE’s & when my stenosis was at its worst they went down to using their pinky finger (little finger) this made things less traumatic so maybe suggest this to Dr Sausagefingers? Thinking of you. 


  • Hello Suz, I can sympathise with you. My oncologist appointment was brought forward due to my itching and swelling which got me rather worried and I dreaded the DRE as I have been so sore which hasn’t been like this for a long while. She was gentle but it felt like she had very long fingernails ouch! She said I do have stenosis so when you pass a certain size stool it can inflame the already radiotherapy damaged skin. Thankfully she said she was happy that there was nothing that concerned her but she is going to get me to have a MRI scan in a couple of months. I got in the car to come home and my husband said they don’t really like to give to many MRI scans due to being exposed to too much radiation! Another thing to worry about.!

  • You know, I’ve guess never thought of sedation as an option for anoscopy and DRE, as it all (DRE and anoscopy together) takes less than 5 minutes, and I wonder if sedation would require more than just a clinical visit.  Actual sedation might require outpatient hospitalization, or at least supervision by an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist.  I don’t know for sure, I just wonder if that’s why it’s not openly or typically presented as an option to us.

    I do think that asking for some topical numbing gel should be something you consider,  ,and perhaps it’s even worth asking for a short acting anti-anxiety medication, just to take the edge off the night before and on the day of the exam?

    Also, thank you,  !  I appreciate the good thoughts.

    Best wishes to all,


  • When I couldn't take the initial anoscopy, the doctor put me under sedation to do the exam in which she took the biopsy and found the cancer. But since then, we've been trying to do it in the office but I just. Can't. I mean, I DO, but it's always pretty rushed, what with me squawking and crying and bleeding and all. 

    I made an appointment today with someone to 'talk to' about the anxiety, but the chemistry was way off during our initial phone conversation. I'm not going to follow through on it. I'm going to do exactly what y'all suggest and call the gastro doc (who uses the anoscope) and ask for a single dose med to help me cope. 

    She's my hero- she found the cancer! But she gets frustrated that I can't be more cooperative with the scope. It's not something I can control. 

    Thank you all so much. I have to vent cautiously to the husband, who himself gets anxious when it's something he can't fix for me. It's helpful to wail at you lot!

    Hugs all round


  • This doc doesn't do the anoscopies, it's just the DRE, it's just his dang enormous digits. Why oh why didn't I get the lovely lady radiology oncologist with her dainty little hands??

    :D Suz

  • I had a colonoscopy five years ago where, in spite of sedation, I felt as though I was being  disemboweled by a butcher's hook.  It was so horrific that when I next saw the consultant (not the one who did the procedure), I had a printed note to give him that described how I felt, I couldn't talk about it without breaking down.  He was such a gracious man and so apologetic.  Since then when having sigmoidoscopies (where sedation isn't the norm) I have requested sedation and it has been freely granted, and the staff are aware of my experience.  When Suz spoke of her experiences and the amount of pain she had, I thought she came under the category of 'needs sedation'!

  • Oh Suz,

    Anoscopy WITH biopsy, yes please, knock me out!  Lol!

    I’m sorry you didn’t get what you needed from the phone consult, but I feel like some short acting meds are a very reasonable consideration.  If you feel like you still want to give a mental health professional a try, you can spend the time to find the right match, but you should still have your exam needs met.  I have a licensed therapist, and I really appreciate her, but as you say, the chemistry has to be there.

    Vent as needed…not quite as satisfying or as easy to convey support in print as it is in person, but our hearts are in the right place, and I’ve not read a feeling or a reaction here that didn’t personally resonate with me.  I’d guess many more would say that, too.

    Hang in there!


  • It seems really insensitive that the oncology group doesn’t take into consideration his “dang enormous digits” and maybe route anal cancer patients to a different doctor in the group!