Hi new on here

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi I'm new to posting on here but have read many posts which have helped me immensely.  

I was dianosed with anal cancer earlier in the year and went through chemo radiotherapy which finished in August.  

I had pet scan and mri scan  after 3  mo ths with results coming out just before Christmas.  The pet scan had complete metabolic response but mri showed something higher up from my original tumour so have to go for an Eua. Has anyone else had this happen 

  • Hi  ,

    I’m so pleased that you’ve found the community so helpful during your diagnosis & treatment etc., the big thing for me once I’d found this group was that I no longer felt isolated & alone in what I was going through & the encouragement I gained from others that had been through this before me was invaluable.

    There have been quite a few group members since I’ve been here that have had the need to go for EUA’s following their surveillance scans to check on areas that haven’t been clear on the scans, many of which turn out to be scar tissue. I completely sympathise that it’s a worrying time for you so I hope you don’t have to wait long for your appointment & that your Dr’s are soon able to put your mind at rest. I’m sending lots of positive thoughts your way. 


  • Hi thank you so much for your reply I saw the consultant last week and eua with biopsy and sigmoidoscopy is booked for 24th so not too long. They have talked about surgery which they said is major surgery so very worried about that. 

    My chemo radiotherapy went without too many problems so feel I was lucky there 

  • There are a few people in our group that have had APR surgery which I presume is what your Dr’s are talking about. It’s easy to say I know but try not to jump the gun so to speak before you have the results of your EUA & sigmoidoscopy. If you do want to read a little more from people that have had the surgery if you type in APR in the search facility at the top of the page here you’ll be able to read some other members experiences. There’s no getting away from the fact that it is a big surgery but if it does come to it you will recover & get your life back. 
