Rectal Cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi, I’m new to this forum having been diagnosed with low rectal cancer. I had Radiotherapy last month and am now on my first session of chemotherapy. It is proposed that I have six sessions of chemo prior to surgery. 
I am struggling of what to eat and drink to prevent diarrhoea. I don’t drink tea and am having warm vimto which I’m fed up with. I have been advised not to have “too cold” drinks. Any suggestions and tips are most appreciated. Thank you

  • Hi there  & welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry to learn of your diagnosis. 

    Most members here including myself have been diagnosed with anal cancer & although in the same region the treatments for anal & rectal cancer differ quite a bit. The treatment for anal cancer consists of combined chemo-radiotherapy on a daily basis for 5-6 weeks. Although the treatment differs the chemo-radiotherapy can cause sometimes chronic diarrhoea also, the dietary advice tends to be a low fibre ‘white’ diet so bland beige food such as white bread, white potatoes, rice etc., also people here are often prescribed loperamide, this can be a bit of a juggling act to find the dose that stops the diarrhoea but doesn’t constipate you. 

    If you haven’t already found it there’s another group that covers rectal cancers too Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum if you follow the link I’ve posted you may find some useful advice there also. We’re more than happy to support wherever we can if you’d like to keep posting here too.

    Wishing you the very best of luck with your ongoing treatment.


  • Thank you, I have just joined the group 

  • Great, the information & advice there may be a little more relevant to your diagnosis but you’re always welcome here too. 
