
  • 10 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi there .just wanted to say hello i have been diagonsed with ain3 .and are terrifed.i feel sad an quite alone i have to go see the ornacolgist next week dont know what to expect feel quite lonley even though i have amazing family an friends .

  • Hi  ,

    Firstly I’d like to offer you a warm welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    I don’t have much experience personally of AIN as my diagnosis was of SCC anal cancer but we’ve recently had another member  with a diagnosis of AIN3 that was looking for a buddy with a similar diagnosis. Hopefully she will see that I’ve tagged her in this post & reply to you.

    It’s a really scary time when you receive a diagnosis like this & getting referred to oncology is a terrifying thought. Just try & keep in the forefront of your mind that these are the people that are going to hopefully make you well again. I’m sure once you’ve seen your oncologist & you’ve been talked through a plan moving forward you’ll feel a little more settled. I’m pleased to hear you have a good support system around you too.

    Please let us know how you get on at your appointment & remember we’re here to support you however we can.


  • Thankyou its just lonley hopefully she will see thanks for the reply .xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gtray

    Hello!!!! So sorry you are in this boat! Where are you being seen and how did you get to this point? No need to answer all the questions if it is overwhelming by the way, I am a bit of an oversharer Slight smile

    I am 40 and in London and at Homerton with aldara as my treatment for now and then a review after 16 weeks at which point they will look at laser ablation if no progress.

    it isn’t great but we are lucky to have been found early!! Here any time you want a chat xxxx

  • Hey my name is tracy i live in the north this is unreal i dont no what to do but .is there any way we can talk private dont really understand all of this xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gtray

    Ive sent you a friend request and think that might make it possible to chat xxxx

  • I dont know if i have done right hope i gave x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gtray

    Not accepted yet - click

    on my profile and try adding me?

  • Hey  I’m also ‘up North’ I had my treatment at the Freeman hospital in Newcastle are you anywhere in that vicinity? 


  • No not so close i. York xx