
  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers

16 days after my operation and still in a lot of pain when passing a stool. It feels like a am passing razor blades. And lots of blood.

  • This is all normal ZPN, I ended up with a stoma, so lucky for me I haven’t had to pass stools, however I still get pain and I was passing bloody mucus,  again all very normal I take oramorph for my pain which I wouldn’t be without.


  • Did you have an op to remove the tumour and have you had chemo/radiotherapy?  Various parts of the treatment can lead to an extremely tender back passage and I'm afraid that most of us are familiar with the passing razor blades feeling.  It does pass eventually, although it doesn't seem like it will at the time.  I hope you have been given a supply of painkillers to help you during this period.

    Irene x