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  • 58 subscribers

Just been diagnosed with anal cancer 

  • Hi ZPN, sorry you have found yourself here but you have come to the right place for any advice, I’m not sure what your treatment will be, I was supposed to have and chemo and radiotherapy but ended up just having radiotherapy as I couldn’t have the chemo I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 N 1, my last MRI showed all clear and in remission.

    please if you have any questions about anything this is the right place no matter how great or small we are all here for you.

    take care 

  • I'm so sorry, ZPN. It sends you reeling, doesn't it? I'm so glad that you've found your way here so soon. I really wish I'd known about this forum while I was going through the treatments. Let it sink in, and ask any questions you have. Nothing's off limits here.



  • Ah, I replied to a later post of yours but I see that your diagnosis is very recent.  So sorry you have had to find yourself here but you have come to the right place for lots of advice, help and sympathy if you just want to have a rant - we all do from time to time.  Just ask us anything you want to know, as Ridetbred says we discuss anything and everything here.

    Irene x

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    I see on your other post that you’ve already had surgery? Was this a local resection to remove your tumour or to biopsy? If it’s a local resection I too had this as first line treatment & I feel your pain! Make sure you’re taking a stool softener (Movicol, Laxido or the like) just do you’re not forcing out hard stools. I too bled quite a bit after surgery & ended up in A&E 5-6 days post surgery as my stitches burst & I was bleeding continuously for a couple of hours. The bleeding stopped in A&E & was discharged the same evening. 

    There aren’t many of us here that have had local resection surgery to achieve cure but much of the advice on emotionally coping with your diagnosis & dealing with the after effects of surgery/treatment still will apply so any worries or questions you have please keep posting as we’re here to support you wherever we can. 
