Thank you

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

I just like to say thank you all for your kind words. Right now I think I am still processing what is happening, and panicking more than a little bit. I am awaiting dates for meeting oncologist and to start chemo and radiotherapy. It seems "odd" at the moment. But it feels like it's someone else at the moment, not me. I also have chronic kidney disease. But when that was diagnosed, I don't no why but it just seemed different.

Again thank you for your kind words and pointing me in the right direction 


  • I had that too- a preternatural calm that didn't feel like actual serenity, just a numbness that allowed me to move around as if I were really calm. 


  • Hi sue

    Did your feelings change over time?

  • Yes! It was actually a good thing. It allowed me to robot my way through all of the preparation for treatment without falling apart. None of us ask for or want the 'gift' of perspective that this bastard brings, but nonetheless, most of us can look back on it and see how our coping techniques worked. I always thought I'd fall apart if I ever got cancer (and I sure NEVER expected it to be in me arse) so that, at least, has been a good thing to learn. My support community is terrific, so I had that going for me. I sure hope you do too.

