
  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

I had my BIG surgery on August 24th. All seems to have gone well. Consultant is confident that they've removed all of the cancer

My problem is that the surgery has left a cavity which keeps filling with fluid. I had a vac pump drain fitted about 4 weeks ago, it's still draining the same amount as it did on day 1.

My consultant is suggesting that she may have to bring in a plastic surgeon to fill the cavity if the pump hasn't worked in a few weeks.

Has anyone else been thru this? I'd be keen to hear how it went.


  • Hello, and welcome to the forum, although I am sorry it is under these circumstances.  I have tagged  (Sarah, I hope you don't mind the tag) who has had extensive surgery too and who has stayed on the forum and gives help and guidance to others.  I can't help at all, but hopefully she will pick up on this and answer.

    Please let us know how you get on.

    Irene xx

  • Hi 

    I had my total pelvic exenteration in 2020 but for a different recurrent cancer. I didn’t suffer from the issues you’re having, but in the group I run for support for this surgery I have come across a couple of people who have had exactly the same problem you are facing and who had the vac pump drain. For me, everything was removed without the need for any external wounds other than my abdominal incision and my stomas.

    What I can say from the others I have have spoken to is that this is a long process with the vac drain, and healing does take a very long time, longer than 4 weeks, so it takes a lot of patience. I’m sorry I don’t have the personal experience you are looking for, but hope the vac drain does eventually clear this up without the need for plastics involvement. 

    I don’t mind you tagging me at all , just sorry I don’t have the right personal experience to offer any advice here.

    Sarah xx

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  • That lady m it meant to say., so long as -not oh my god  , sorry x