Awaiting Scan Results.

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  • 57 subscribers

Hi Everyone I have been looking at this page for a couple of months now and found  some very useful information so thank you all. This is the first time I have felt the need to reach out for support other than that of my family and friends. Since this whole life changing experience began. Diagnosed with T2 N2 M0 SCC of anal canal earlier this year I finished a course of Chemoradiation Therapy on 10/05/22 and have tried to remain in good spirits and positive throughout! Taking one day at a time. Wearing a bright pink hoodie everyday for treatment and waltzing in swinging my shopping bag with sick bowl and water bottle in and the treatment schedule religiously ticked off in bright pink highlighter after every session!  Since having a PET CT and MRI last week I am now waiting until 01/09 for results. I am honestly finding this the most difficult part mentally despite interim examination giving only positive feedback. I was wondering if anyone can offer any coping strategies before I curl up in bed and set my alarm for 01/09. Thanks in advance and best wishes and positive thoughts to everyone going through the same.

  • How I wish I had some words of wisdom to pass on!  However, I gather that even those after three or four years of clear scans still suffer gnawing anxiety prior to a scan.  I was in such a state leading to my follow-up appointment that followed my three-month scans that my husband came in with me (in spite of notices asking patients only).  I think the nurses understood as they were very pleasant to him, and when the junior oncologist came in, she asked lots of questions as to how I had been, any pains and so on, before saying 'It's good news!'.  I nearly passed out on the floor.  The best advice I can offer is to keep busy; it doesn't get rid of the scanxiety but I took on easy projects (that didn't tax me too much) that kept me busy and did work in distracting me to some degree.  Sending you all the very best wishes for good scan results.

  • Hi MiniM66 I can empathise with your anxiety and as Irene has said it doesn’t stop after the first scan. I am 14 months post treatment and last week I had my 12 months scan, yes work that out! and I have no idea when I will get my results. My first scan I was told may not be 100% accurate as you may have some scarring and the treatment continues to work for a few more weeks. Luckily they were able to give the all clear. I wish I could give you distraction tips other than read on here of many people have had positive results and the treatment is said to be very effective. I also read on here that one contributor’s oncologist said two years post treatment anal cancer is unlikely to return. Wishing you well on the 1st September 

  • Hi 

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us, I’m pleased you’ve found our forum useful since your diagnosis. I’m a little over 4 years post treatment & I faced my treatment in much the same way you describe, I put my make-up on each day, did my hair & faced it head on, checking off each appointment strangely enough with a bright pink highlighter, taking each day at a time.

    As  has already mentioned, my way of dealing with scanxiety (it’s real!!!) was to keep myself as busy as possible during waking hours! Try getting out of the house with family or friends & doing something you enjoy for distraction. I found being in the house gave me time to dwell! 

    I’ve just been told at my last appointment in June that there will be no more scans for me now & hopefully I’ll be discharged next June when my 5 years surveillance is up. I’m really not sure how I feel about that one either, I worry when I have scans now I worry that I won’t be having scans!! 

    I hope your results bring good news. 
