Post treatment issues

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My name is Rebekah and I finished radiotherapy and tablet chemo at the end of May.

I'm feeling really good, in myself; energy levels good, skin burning all gone and only very occasional pain.

My issue is my abdomen is still so bloated  I have so much wind (down the way) and I've started finding that I've some poo in my pants, when I go to the loo, but I haven't felt it!

Is this something anyone else has dealt with and if so how?

It's a bit embarrassing as I dont know whether I smell of poo when this happens. 

Thank you in advance for any help.

  • Hi (Rebekah) and welcome to the group.  It's such a relief to be out the other side of treatment isn't it! The issues you describe are common side effects post-treatment.  Personally, I have found that reducing my intake of fruit, veg and caffeine and taking activated charcoal tablets reduces wind and bloating. Please note that charcoal tablets should not be taken less than an hour before taking medication as they can affect its absorption.  I also have mucous that comes and goes, this can sting which is quite unpleasant.  A few tweaks to your diet may help- people have reported different things trigger their bloating and wind. It may be worth you keeping a food/drink diary for the next few weeks. Bev  

  • Hi Bev,

    Thanks for that. I was thinking about keeping a food diary so I now will. I love my fruit n veg so I guess I may have to pick n choose Blush

    Thanks again, Rebekah x

  • Hi again Rebekah (),

    I agree that a food diary is possibly the way forward. This treatment often leaves people with symptoms similar to IBS & I find bloating & gas an issue too. There’s certain things I can only have in moderation now coffee being one, tea I can drink freely though, refined carbs I don’t do too well with either I try & keep those to a minimum & sugar is another trigger, veg I can eat freely, it’s not always the obvious culprits that cause the issue & this is where a food diary can help. The leakage will hopefully resolve itself as your internal healing catches up with your external healing this was definitely the case with me. I wore pant liners to save my underwear & washed regularly but like you I did worry in case there was an odour! 


  • Hi Nicola,

    Thank you for sharing your experiences,  it's really helpful to know I'm not alone in what I'm experiencing and that things do get a little better in time Blush

    I shall keep an eye on what I'm eating and see what effect it has.

    I am getting some mild IBS-like symptoms but take the occasional lopramide and that seems to work.

    Thank you.
