Newly Diagnosed

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  • 57 subscribers

Hi I am newly diagnosed with anal cancer aparently caused by hpv virus. I'm 66 and my cancer is stage 1. I feel very lucky that it was caught early. I have a 2cm tumour just inside my back passage. I'm currently about to begin week 5 of a 5 and a half week course of radiotherapy and chemo tablets. I'm starting to suffer from a very sore bottom and front end when passing urine. I'm also experiencing the passing of yellow mucus when I do number 2s. Is this normal. Does anyone have any tips for coping with the radiotherapy soreness apart from salt baths. It's quite painful when passing stools.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

  • Hi ,

    Firstly I’d like to welcome you to the online community & our group although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. Also a huge well done on almost completing your treatment.

    Have you been supplied with creams/pain relief by your treating team? Regarding creams I used flaminal cream & plain old aqueous cream (both supplied by my oncologist & radiology team) although towards the end of treatment I’m not sure how much use they were as things were pretty sore. I think pain relief was more the thing for me, unable to take the prescribed opiate based painkillers (morphine or codeine) I relied on paracetamol & ibuprofen alternating 2 hourly, I was told to take regularly & not just when needed as you need a constant level in your system for it to be the most effective, I also took lansoprazole each morning to protect my stomach as the ibuprofen was high dose… As you’ve already mentioned an Epsom salt or Dead Sea salt bath was where I was at my most comfortable at the end although I appreciate you can’t be in the bath all day/night, I have to admit once my treatment had finished I was in the bath A LOT!…  Although I didn’t personally many people do report the passing of mucus but anything new to you I would mention to your team just to be on the safe side.… Going to the loo is the worst when things get so sore, I kept a jug of water by the loo for when I needed to go pee & poured it over as I went this stopped the stinging, pooing my only advice would be, if its not the case already, then keep things really soft! I took stool softeners throughout as I didn’t suffer the diarrhoea that some people do & believe it when I say you really don’t want to be constipated right now! I also found washing after the loo much more comfortable than trying to clean with toilet paper or wipes. 

    I know probably much of what I’ve said you’re already doing but I hope it’s helped a little. 


  • Hi   and welcome to the group. Like you, my anal cancer was caused by the HPV virus. Most squamous cell anal cancers are. I had problems with pre-cancerous cells of my cervix many years ago caused by HPV. the virus then popped up again 2 years ago in my backside. My tumour was just over 2cm so I was a stage 2 and had the same treatment as you did. Since treatment I have had mucous on/off. It has been many colours (blood streaked on a couple of occasions)  but now is mainly a yellow colour. It is uncertain what the cause of this is, but it is quite normal. Congratulations on coming towards the end of treatment! Just one thing to add to the advice Nicola has given, try using a sitz bath (available to buy online). They fit into the seat of the toilet so you are going to the toilet over water. This massively helps to ease the pain whilst going to the toilet.    Bev    

  • Hi Nicola thanks for the info which is really useful. I have been given cream by my radiotherapy team which is helpful and lidocaine for my bottom. Can I ask what stool softener you used. I need to buy some but not sure which is best to get. I use soft gauze to wash with after the loo as toilet paper feels like sandpaper!! Like you I can't tolerate opiate based painkillers..I'm such a lightweight with drugs..even the anti sickness drugs made me very nauseous and had to stop them. Just need to get through the next week and a half then chemo and radiotherapy will be done. I hope you are well now and your skin healed. Thank you for replying to my post.

  • Hi Bev thanks for reading my post. Iv not heard of the sitz bath will definitely look into that. I have just started leaking this mucas so not sure if it's normal so will mention it to my radiotherapy team tomorrow..I hope you are well now and thanks for your helpful advice

  • Hi ,

    I get my stool softeners on prescription, I used to be prescribed Movicol but now it’s Laxido, these are both the same according to my oncologist. They are sachets that you mix into a glass of water , I still take one a day & I’m a little over 3 years post treatment, things are good on the most part thank you. All the opiate based painkillers did for me was cause awful constipation. 

    The end is in sight now, you’re so close, it often takes a few days after your last treatment for you side effects to peak but then you can focus on your recovery. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way. 


  •  Just a note If you’re in the UK your prescriptions can now be free whilst you have cancer. You just need to fill in a firm at your GP and he can prescribe Movicol/Macrogol/Laxido (all the same) en masse so you don’t have to worry about buying each time! In fact all your prescriptions will be free for 5 years. Handy when you need multiples of things. I think you can also ask your team or your Gp to prescribe some morphine gel as a topical pain killer and Instillagel syringes which you can use prior to a bowel movement (if you have time!) Well done on getting to the end of your treatment!!! Hope you feel better soon. M x 

  • Hi ..thanks for this really useful info. Just ordered a sitz for the loo and stool softener from the gp. Am now coping with leaking yellow mucas which I understand is normal. So carrying  a just in case bag with me as suggested by another lady here. Just 6 more sessions go..Good luck to everyone with their journeys through this horrible disease.

  • Hey 

    I was just diagnosed with stage 3 anal cancer caused by hpv a gift from my ex-husband. How are you doing?