Newly diagnosed

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Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with Anal cancer which has come as a massive shock and I am having trouble dealing with it. I start my treatment on July 5th.

I have had so much information and read so much that I am so scared of all the side effects and to be honest all of it.

I would be really grateful if anyone could give me any help and advice as to what to expect.

thank you in advance.


  • Still not worked it out…. Eat want you like! Let’s face it we have enough trauma to go through so enjoy your food!!  just be prepared for different experiences! Good luck! You will get through it - it is a journey which you can do but won’t want to repeat. We are here to support you all the way..,, nothing to be frightened of as we are testimony to the success!! X 

  • Hi, thanks for the advice will just keep to what I know and take each step as it comes.

    Have had a bad day really just reading too much. 
    Many thanks


    • Be strong, be positive and believe! It’ll be over before you know it!! X
  • Hi Jane (),

    I remember the anxiety I felt as my first day of treatment got nearer & nearer so I completely sympathise with you but if you’re anything like me once that first day is over you’ll begin to relax into the routine of the daily visits to the hospital.

    I would probably just eat as normally as possible throughout your treatment, if you begin to experience bowel issues either struggling to go or going too much maybe start to think about adjusting diet then. If you’re struggling to go to the loo like I did then up your fibre intake if you’re going too much then cut the fibre & maybe eat a ‘white’ diet, white potatoes, white rice, white bread, chicken etc., but make sure you’re still getting good protein. You’ll soon notice if certain foods aren’t agreeing with you. 

    Good luck for Monday, we’re always here if you need some support or advice. 


  • Hi, Thanks yes think as soon as I start I will settle down. Thanks for all the advice.


  • Hi,

    I started my treatment on Monday which was a very long day. Had so many emotions going round my head got myself in a bit of a state, but managed to get it all done. Tuesday was fine but Wednesday felt really sickly and never got on top of it. Thursday got stuck onto the M6 for 2.5 hours so was late for treatment. So by the time I got home was exhausted. Friday felt better and today just a bit slow so taking it easy.

    was surprised at the difference in the skin on my bottom, not the anal bit but the crack !!, it has changed so much which they assure me is fine, so just putting E45 on it. Is this normal?? did you have these changes. Got no appetite either but still eating. Feels a bit overwhelming to be honest.

    Hope your all doing well


  • Good morning Jane

    Congratulations on getting through week one of treatment. It’s sounds as if you haven’t done too badly, although the traffic holdup must have been quite stressful and annoying. I did feel a little sick the first few days and took anti-sickness tablet, which seemed to help. By the end of the week it cleared up and I haven’t really been bothered by this too much since then.

    Yes my skin started to change colour from about week one, although it was not at all painful. I used medi-honey which the hospital provided. It wasn’t enough of a supply though, so I bought my own from Amazon. I am halfway through my first week post treatment and am still using the medihoney as it is very soothing and moisturising.

    My skin just started to break around the anus during the fifth week of treatment and has held up quite well until the last couple of days, where other areas are starting to become sore and break. I am finding this manageable with the help of Polymem dressings.

    During those first few weeks I noticed gradual darkening of skin around the bottom crack and the top of my legs and groin. I had a warm feeling and a bit of tingling but that was all. The main discomfort was from bowel movements, which were erratic and became more painful towards the end of treatment. This can be managed with the correct pain relief, though.

    During the first few weeks, I set myself small tasks and kept myself busy and before I knew it, it was all over. As each day passes you are one day nearer to the end and its fantastic that you have got through five days already. Stay positive and keep strong, you can do it!

    Rooting for you

    Serena x

  • Hi Serena,

    Glad your doing well,  it’s good to know that this discolouration is normal and I will definitely order some medi-honey. Today I am feeling fine and been for  a good walk which made me feel better. Just put E45 on before I went out to be sure. Had not been to the loo for a couple of days as not eaten much but been today and feel better for it. 

    That’s what I do I only think of today and how I am feeling and keep myself busy as I dont like to think too far ahead. But always have the end results in mind. 

    Thanks for the support really appreciate it, take care and stay well.

    Jane x

  • Hi Nicola,

    Yes your right now I am started I feel better. Have got to stick to my usual diet as my bowels are a bit stupid at the best of times. I have been eating food I wouldn’t usually eat as I felt sick for a couple of days, but now coming through me so will settle back into my usual diet.

    Thanks for advice and support


  • Hi Serena,

    Hope you are doing ok, another week down and feeling ok. My bottom has been a bit sore but been putting drapolene on the sore bit and cavilon on the rest, the consultant radiologist recommended it. It’s seems to be holding it for now. The problem I have is the bm!!! yesterday and today had a lot of bad wind and loose poo not diarrhoea just a lot of it. Is this normal !!!!. Not been much in the week so don’t know if this is a build up or it. 
    How are you getting on post treatment.

    Will be glad of any advice.

    Take care

    Jane x