Pain after treatments finished

  • 9 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi, new here, I finished the chemo and radio therapies just over a week ago, I was expecting discomfort so was not too alarmed but now there is the most awful pain for the past 3 days when having a wee. It's like a fire burning. I drink plenty of water, take paracetamol, and have morphine but by the end of the day it's really unbearable. Any tips please?

  • Hi and welcome to the group. Congratulations on getting through treatment, it's such a relief to get it over and done with isn't it. You're currently in the worst period for suffering side effects, they usually peak 10-days post treatment and then reduce.   I also suffered pain when weeing, in my case  it was due to radiation cystitis.  The absolute best thing is to go over water. You can buy a portable plastic bidet which sits in the toilet. Unfortunately, I didn't know about these contraptions at the time - I wish I had-so I would just wee in a lukewarm shower and wash the bath afterwards. Drinking plenty of water, as I see you are doing, is also advised. It dilutes the urine so there should be a bit less pain. Also, make sure you get plenty of rest, it really does help to heal the body.  I think it may be an idea to give your treatment team a call tomorrow just to run your symptoms past them. You should have a colorectal nurse assigned to you who should be able to put your mind at rest.   Please do come back on here with any other queries or concerns, we have people at all different stages of treatment and there'll always be someone around to offer advice. If you click on my username you'll be able to read my profile. Bev .

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Thank you so much for your reply. I had the radiation cystitis and took 3 days of antibiotics which seemed to clear the need to go so frequently. Subsequently, I'm taking another dose of antibiotics as my GP assumed that the infection had not cleared up properly because I still had pain. He also gave me potassium citrate mixture to try and de-acidify the urine. I don't think either has worked as the pain is still the same. Now that I know I have to expect this level of extreme discomfort I'll just grit my teeth and get on with it. Hopefully, for not too much longer.

  • Hi  brings back memories, it was like weeing razorblades, went on for 3 weeks but then cleared up. Hope yours clears soon. Bev 

  • Hi ,

    I suffered radiation cystitis during treatment & was told that unlike bacterial cystitis it couldn’t be treated with antibiotics, I was advised by the radiotherapy nurses to wash with aqueous cream to try & preserve the good bacteria ‘down below’ as all soaps, femme washes etc., kill off much of the good bacteria as well as the bad & it’s needed to keep everything healthy. I drank lots of water, kept a jug of water by the loo to pour over myself whilst having a wee & also drank a couple of glasses of cranberry juice a day too. 

    Hope you get some relief soon, it really is uncomfortable. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    "weeing razorblades" what an excellent description !

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thanks Nikki, I do have some sugar-free cranberry juice so I'll add a couple of glasses to my daily water drinks. I don't know about the aqueous cream, I've been using the water based baby wipes. They do seem to ease the discomfort. I really really miss my cups of tea !

  • Hello Nikki65 - I've been drinking about one cup of straight cranberry juice every day hoping it is beneficial to combat  bladder infection or UTI. At the same time wondering if it's going against my current chemoradiation treatment. I have read cranberry juice has a synergetic effect with chemotherapy. Do you feel cranberry juice was beneficial for you? Thanks!

  • Hi  , I have to be honest & say I wasn’t aware that cranberry juice could be detrimental to the chemo side of the treatment. I drank a couple of glasses a day  for a week or so then just continued with plenty of water, 


  • Hello Olderbutnotwiser, sorry to hear about your problems, I too have been treated for anal cancer in the same way. I luckily never had wee trouble, but poo-ing problems, which over two months later continue and my rear end is sore and hurting 24/7. Morphine has exacerbated the problem but I'm sure it will eventually sort itself out. Just keep on to your specialist nurses and make them aware of your pain and the fact that you need help. This is not an easy journey to travel and you will often feel alone - this forum is here to help you. Good luck Xx