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  • 40 subscribers

Hi , 

I completed my treatment Jan 8 th . I’m doing pretty well all healed up and bowels not too bad . I take 1/2 sachet of Laxido  daily to avoid constipation   . 
During treatment I developed piles , I still have them . Should I be worried that they haven’t resolved . I’m getting a bit twitched about them . Has anyone else had piles that didn’t resolve ? 
I have been using anusol which has stopped the itching , but it hasn’t got rid of them . 
 Thanks for any input . 
Wishing everyone the best wherever you are in this journey . 
 Sharon x

  • Hello Sharon, 

    I had exactly the same. Never had them before and then after treatment discovered I had three pesky little ones! Seen my consultant in clinic as I was worried they hadn't gone after using anusol but she said it was nothing to worry about. 

    Maybe have a word with the nurse I'm sure will be the same outcome but might put your mind at ease. 

    I finished treatment on 9th Jan so we are at similar stages. 

    Hope this helps, 

    Lots of love 


  • Hi Sharon ( ),

    Like AC & having your bottom bombarded with radiation ️ isn’t enough eh? It’s like adding insult to injury isn’t it?

    I’ve heard of several people on the forum since I arrived here in 2018 that have developed piles during treatment so although it doesn’t help you it doesn’t seem unusual for this to happen. I can’t remember who it was that had enquired with their team about having surgery but their Dr had advised against it because of the fragility of the skin due to the radiotherapy. 

    Do you have long to wait before your next check-up? If you feel you can’t wait that long give your oncologist/surgeon a call & just run it by them & hopefully they’ll be able to put your mind to rest a little bit. Don’t sit there worrying. They may also be able to recommend something a bit more useful than the anusol too. 

    I hope you get sorted soon. 


  • Hello Sharon

    Piles were the bane of my life at during treatment and nothing has rid of them.  I was given steroid foam and pessaries which relieved them but didn't shrink them at all and I still have them now.  I had a different procedure last year and could have had them banded or cut out (the surgeon said she didn't know which until she tried) and I completely lost my nerve and said to just leave them.  Another forum user had experience and even having surgery didn't help, they just came back.

    Our poor backsides!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Jo , (Edjo) 

    Thanks for your response and it has reassured me . My mind was wandering a bit worried it was something else . 
    I’ve phone the nurse and am waiting for a call back . I see the Consultant in early April . Have you found anything else that eases them . I find Anusol although great for stopping the itching which was driving me mad does cause them to sting quite a bit . 

    Wishing you well. 

  • Hi Nikki , 

    Thanks for your response. It’s reassuring to hear piles can develope, as I was getting a bit twitched, how do I know it’s not something else . 
    I don’t think I’d like any surgery to  them , couldn’t bear to go through such a sore bottom again ! 
    I see the oncologist in a month but have phoned the nurse to see if she has any suggestions . 
    The discomfort from them is nothing compared to what we go through after treatment but think I juse needed a bit of reassurance . 
    Best wishes

    Sharon x

  • Hi Irene , 

    Thanks for responding , 

    Im not surprised you chickened out of surgery , I wouldn’t want to go down that route !! 
    I’m struggling a bit with my bowels. I’ve been taking 1/2 a Laxido daily and I’ll go once or sometimes twice in the morning . I do have to strain a bit , but if I take one whole Laxido  I can’t predict how I’ll be if I go out , the other day I went 7 times whilst shopping . 
    Hopefully the Nurse can help with this . 
    I suppose it’s still early days . 

    I'm supposed to have a digital examination in early April so I’mhoping the piles will have improved a bit by then . 

    Best wishes 

    Sharon x

  • Sharon, ask them to use Instillagel before the examination - I always get quite tense before a DRE as it invariably hurts but it doesn't help that I have anal stenosis.  The Instillagel will help.  Irene xx

  • Will do Irene . 
    Thankyou x