Blood loss after Bowel Movement

  • 7 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi lovely people..

I'm after asking if it's 'normal' to have blood and a few clots after BM.

I'm almost 50% way through of my treatment.. i had 4 days of very watery stool 10 times a day... and now harder BM about 3 times a day..

I'm using the sitz bath after each movement which really helps and other than cramp after the BM I feel ok..

I told the radiographer today and they called the doctor in but he said just to keep an eye and if it's still happening in a few days they will arrange a scan..

Just wondered if this is normal at this stage of the treatment..



  • Hello Squeak

    Nothing was normal about my stools all during treatment.  I realise that isn't helpful but it is true.  I didn't have blood and clots but perhaps if you had hard stools this has caused that.

    I am really pleased that you involved your doctor who can investigate it further if it carries on.

    Really sorry I can't be of more help.

    Irene xx

  • Thanks Irene 

    It's a learning curve and minefield..

    The team at the hospital are great.. think I'm starting to get a bit anxious now as from reading comment week 4 seems to be when all the pesky side effects start..

    Just going to have to take each day as it comes...



  • Hi Squeak

    I had quite a lot of blood loss and clots at the stage you are now right through until about two weeks after treatment finished. I was told it was fine and they didn’t scan me at all. I’d try not to worry. 

  • Thank you



  • Hi Squeak

    I didn't have any blood or clots during  treatment but I did have some blood after, I spoke to the hospital about it but they didn't seem worried and just said to keep an eye and if it didn't stop to contact them again which I didn't need to. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Hi  ,

    I didn’t have any blood loss etc., during treatment so I can’t offer reassurance where that’s concerned I’m sorry but I’m so pleased to hear you got your team involved & they’re being pro-active. All kinds of anomalies occur regarding bowel movements during this treatment, I went in expecting diarrhoea but spent the whole time battling constipation! I did have a suspected fissure post treatment that would bleed slightly after a particularly difficult BM but that resolved in time. 

    I hope this soon resolves itself & you’re ok. 


  • Hey  

    I really feel for you - navigating BMs and hospital appointments used to feel me dread especially when you didn't know what kind of day it was going to be.  

    I never experienced any blood or clots but I was forewarned to expect it and not to worry.  It's great that you've also got your team involved.   

    Have you also spoke to them about diet - to see if there's anything you can do help regulate the consistency? I think I got to a place where I was eating toast and jelly babies - not the diet of champions but it worked for me for the last few weeks.  

    Also well done at being halfway through... Hope you are ticking off those days!  

    Ali x