Anal cancer, 10 days post treatment symptoms

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I’m 10 days post treatment (chemoradiation) my journey wasn’t an easy one at all. However I’m feeling allot better in myself now. My main concern is not making the toilet in time at the moment. Does this improve? Any one else experience this after treatment? When I need to go, I need to go and I cannot hold it. So obviously I’m concerned about going out. I usually go about 3 times over a 4 hour period. I am taking lactulose to keep me consistent and my bm soft. I know this will have an effect but I was on this before treatment and it was allot more manageable. 

I’ve also had discharge from the front and back and itching in the area. Also it burns to urinate! I know these are all side effects but any advice on how long it lasts? And your experiences would be very helpful. You feel very alone when having treatment as friends and family are great and very supportive but they just don’t get it. And it’s good to hear from people that have also gone through a similar journey. 

take care xx

  • Hi MissBear,

    Well done on completing your treatment, what a relief - and I'm sure you'll soon see and feel things improving.

    You may want to mention to the radiotherapy team about feeling burning when you wee; this could be radiation cystitis and they might be able to give you something, or recommend something you can buy.

    I remember that feeling of having to go, RIGHT NOW and I can only say it does settle down. I was worse in the morning, but usually got a couple of hours respite after that to rush around Tesco or whatever I had to do, so I'm sure yours will calm down a bit too. Also you can get a card from Macmillan that you can show to staff in shops etc and they will let you use staff loos in case the public ones are not easy to reach - might buy you a bit of time.

    Some people here find their diet affects them, so you may want to check out whether any particular foods make it worse, and move on to more bland things to see if that helps. I think someone here has mentioned the FODMAP plan of eating and I think that can calm your irritated stomach a bit.

    All the side effects you describe are, as you have said, pretty normal, so I can only say try to hang in there, look after yourself and you will start to feel some improvements soon.

    All the best

  • Hello MissBear

    Well done for getting through it!  I am so pleased to hear you are feeling better now and it is still very early days in your recovery so I hope you are taking things easy.

    The need to go to the loo urgently is very common in the very early days after treatment and does get better, sometimes not to the same degree of control as before but less real urgency.  I used to be careful not to leave the house until I had opened my bowels a couple of times, although I do realise you are much younger than me and that may be very difficult for you and might need some adjustments to your morning routine.

    Perhaps Lactulose is too strong - it is a laxative, not a stool softener and it will certainly make you run to the loo.  Laxido is more of stool softener and is gentler on your bowels, and one/two sachets a day should be enough to keep you ticking over without developing constipation especially if you still taking opioid pain-killers.

    The discharge and itching is very common too and all part of the healing process; it is a good idea to keep moisturised with any good-quality unperfumed cream.  And if your urine continues to burn, please do get checked out for a urine infection.  And using a water bottle to squirt as you go can help a bit too.

    Mrs Vanilla has given some great advice, and yes, shops are very understanding too, I have used the staff loo on a number of occasions!

    Things will get better, you have done so well after such a rocky road.

    Big hug

    Irene xx

  • Hey  

    Congratulations on completing the treatment and being on the road to recovery.  I'm 5 days post treatment and still suffering with painful bowel movements.  I find that in the morning as soon as I start walking around my bowels get activated.  I'm still taking a stool softer as I'm on morphine and I know that aids constipation - it's a fine balance. 

    Before I started treatment a food sensitivity test helped me to remove eggs, peanuts and soy from my diet and this really helped me with very loose and urgent BMs.  I also try not consume too much gluten or cows dairy.  Might be worth exploring if there are tweaks you could make to your diet BUT also do be kind to yourself - 10 days out is amazing however it's still early days.  Hopefully your treatment team can advise re the painful peeing - that's no fun whatsoever.

    Take care and fingers crossed that with each day you continue to see improvements.

    Ali xoxo 

  • Hi  ,

    I’m so pleased to hear you’ve completed your treatment & that you’re beginning to feel a little better. Hopefully your recovery will be a speedy one.

    The issues that you have will improve, I didn’t suffer a lot of bowel disturbances, I was more prone to constipation throughout than anything but for a while after my treatment had finished as soon as I stepped out of bed in the morning I needed to go to the loo, it was as if as soon as I was on my feet & moving it triggered a bowel movement & when I felt the need I had to get there quickly, I had zero muscle control! This improved gradually over time & I'm good now & can hold off if necessary, I still go first thing in the morning although now it’s generally just the once per day.

    You will most likely find that certain foods affect your urgency & frequency as well as your general digestion & keeping a food diary in these early days can really help flag up things that can be easily avoided until things improve a bit. I didn’t do well with bread, pasta, sugar or coffee after my treatment finished, I still can’t eat too much of these & coffee still causes me awful bloating I tend to avoid just having the odd one of the craving gets the better of me! 

    Just remember you’ve been through some pretty harsh treatment over the last few weeks & you’re still very early in your recovery, be kind to yourself & you will get there the rest of us that are through the other side are testament to that. 

    Take care


  • Hi MissBear well done on getting through your treatment. I'm coming up to 3 months post on the 6th Feb. I only had mucous from my bottom and I can't remember the exact timescale but by 2/2.5 weeks post it had stopped. I have had a couple of accidents and still sometimes have to go quickly but it is getting less frequent. Things will improve. Be kind to yourself. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Hey MissBear, congratulations on completing your treatment journey. I am 4 weeks post treatment and I'm still experiencing pain when I wee, I've been checked for water infection but it came back clear, I guess it's something I have to live with until it goes away. I certainly know if I do too much because I start weeping again. I still feel swollen down below even though the open wounds have now healed and my groins are no longer looking black. I definitely underestimated how brutal this treatment would be, especially as I felt really well up until week 4. I think one of the biggest issues for me is needing to wee multiple times during the night and then not being able to sleep because of hot sweats, I've been told to mention that when I see my oncologist. It feels like the treatment that just keeps on giving. Hope you're symptoms improve soon xxx

  • Hi, 

    May I ask why you are having hot sweats? The treatment really is brutal and if you’ve seen my previous posts I did not cope well physically or mentally with the treatment. I ended up in hospital and every day was a struggle. I had every symptom going. I am feeling better in myself but the burning when you urinate is so painful! More painful than a bladder infection. You should be having your review soon so hopefully they can offer some help with this. Keep me updated xx

  • Hi,

    I think treatment has put me into early menopause, my Macmillan nurse has told me to mention it when I see my oncologist as she can write to my doctor so they can offer something to help.  I keep hoping I'll get a date through soon so I have something else to focus on. X

  • Oh no! This is my fear too! Can I ask how old you are? X

  • Hi, I'm 46, I'm not sure how old you are but I hope you escape this part xx